Saga of the lone warrior

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The little girl sat alone at her family dinner table, her father wouldn't be home for another six hours. He was home all day while she was at school, and she was home when he was at work.

"Love you my sweet little girl." he wrote on a paper note next to the packed dinner he had made her, she gave a bittersweet smile.

"Evalyn." the girl snapped her head around having heard somebody whisper her name, frustrated with her auditory hallucinations from lack of sleep she sighed heavily before gulping her dinner down like a starving animal.

As soon as she was done she regretted eating, unlike those with eating disorders Evalyn had never gone to extreme measures, she'd wanted to starve herself- puke, anything to lose those extra pounds that she thought made people hate her.

But Evalyn never hated her own body, her own body it was doing everything to help her and protect her, how could she hurt such a beautiful thing?

Sighing once more Evalyn realized she called herself beautiful, that was extreme. However her body helped and protected her, there was no denying she was ugly.

The entire house darkened over a couple of hours while Evalyn was plastered watching her mobile phone and studying, her fatigue only grew as the hours passed but Evalyn was waiting for something, to her it was someone.

Having since long brushed her teeth Evalyn stretched her body only to snap back into reality with a loud "Pling" noise, a message? She giddily and curiously looked down to her phone, one of her classmates had sent something to her.

"Heyo, sending this to everyone, Kate's having a party tomorrow! Everyone I sent this too is invited, it's at 8pm sharp, don't be late. Plenty of booze to go around-! Pretty sure you all know where Kate lives ;)"

Alexander was one of the popular boys in her class, somebody Evalyn had a crush on when she was younger, and then he got together with Kate and those feelings disappeared, she'd never been invited to a party though. She smiled, but she still felt giddy.

When she was younger Evalyn had always had her mother to talk to, she'd always ask Evalyn how her day was and fish out even the smallest of details, those were the golden years for Evalyn, and then she died.

Driving Evalyn to school she crashed into another car sending them flying, slipping through her seat belt Evalyn's mother crashed into the front window smashing her skull open with glass shards penetrating her brain spewing blood everywhere.

Something Evalyn had to sit and watch for thirty minutes before anybody even tried to help, they just drove right past. For thirty minutes-

Evalyn twitched as if something snapped her out of those horrid memories, having lost all her happy emotions Evalyn was once more desperate for social contact, she quickly ran upstairs and into her room locking the door.

She knew she was alone but it felt safer somehow.

And then she began talking, loudly and with laughter as if somebody was there listening to her every word, she made jokes, sat silent. Never once did it occur to her that she was in reality alone.

She spoke of how she felt, what had happened. What she wished for and how much she wanted to meet this person in person.

While Evalyn really knew that there wasn't "another" person she was so desperate for any contact that she saw past this.

It was well past 1:am before Evalyn yawned tiredly staring up at the clear half moon, she loved those nights where the clouds weren't blocking her view. Having spoken her mind Saga remained silent as if she was waiting for a reply, instead a gust of wind made her shiver and she closed the window sighing tiredly.

"Good night, Mr moon." she finished.

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