What does it take to original?
I mean really original?
The origin of oneself and purpose we have too many people who resemble the next trying to be someone else's flesh
Too many drug dealers and stealers who have never really done it but say they have like why would you want to portray that image or take that path? Not passing any judgement on who really has because some of us had no choice but to take that wraith. Too many wannabes of everything its diluting the mind thats why they believe true self is hard to find. What does it take to be original? All you have to do is look in the mirror. Ask yourself is this really all I have to give or what kind of life do you really want to live.
See now for me i want to be what no one else has the courage to and do things others wouldn't think to. Poetry is what got through and i thought no one else did it until I met people who did. We are not the same we all do the same thang. Have different styles and rhyming or not rhyming but just want to see other people smiling. Getting the message out to help someone instead of tearing them down thats what separates realness from clowns. So that is my originality and happily I live for this with such great admirability
To be original
Souls Of The Kingdom
Short StorySouls Of The Kingdom is about a future king who is trying to save his people from genocide