8: All's Fair in Calories & Camera Rolls

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Chapter 8

Thirty minutes later, we all feel so full that we're slumped backwards on the booth's benches, gripping our stomachs as we talk.

"I think that I've satisfied my caloric intake for the next two years." Liam mumbles.

Zayn rolls his eyes and grins. "Liam reads the dictionary for fun, that's why he uses lame words like 'caloric'. Seriously, what's up with Liam?"

Liam kicks Zayn under the table as they try to keep straight faces while death-staring each other.

Liam remarks, "Zayn's just insecure about his hair and the fact that he sounds like a chew toy when he opens his mouth."

The uncontrollable laughter begins.

"What?..." Niall is lost. He sits up a little bit and makes a 'blah' sound. "All I know is that I'm really full."

"That's pretty much what I originally said." Liam begins to laugh. I laugh, too. Niall is still completely lost, with a blank stare on his face. Suddenly, Niall bursts out in a giggling fit for no apparent reason. This causes everyone to lose it. Soon, our whole table is in the midst of a hysterical laughter fit.

After the laughter dies down, Harry catches my attention by saying, "You know, I find girls with enough willpower not to eat meat quite attractive."

My face turns as red as those pants that Louis always wears. "Aww, thank you. However, I've also learned that you find every single female being on this earth attractive," I swiftly respond, winking at him to let him know I'm not entirely serious.

Harry sits there, speechless, for a moment.

"APPLY SOME COOL WATER TO THE AREA OF THAT BURN, HAZZABEAR." Louis announces while snapping his fingers. Oh, Louis...

My phone buzzes. It's a text from Katrina. I pull out my phone and am about to read it when Harry reaches over and snatches my phone away from me.

"HEY!!! GIVE IT BACK!" I scream. At this point, half the restaurant is looking at us.

"Andie, settle down now. We're in a public place." Harry teases while slightly sticking out his bottom lip.

I submit and sit there wondering what he's going through. I have nothing to hide, I just - OHMYGOSH. THEY'RE GONNA THINK I'M A LOONEY TOON.

"Don't even think about going to my camera roll. Don't. Even. Think. About. It." I'm so stupid. Facepalm.

Harry must've gone to my camera roll, because he immediately begins scrolling through pictures and laughing like crazy. The boys crane their necks to see what the heck he's looking at.

Well, lets just say that I have a vastly unnecessary amount of pictures of One Direction - and especially Liam Payne - on my phone. I'm talking VASTLY unnecessary. This is it. I'm going to have a restraining order filed against me.

I think we're going to get kicked out of IHOP because the boys have been making an insane amount of noise for the past 10 minutes while looking through my phone. Plus, it's 12:00. We've been here for two hours, annoying the daylights out of the IHOP staff.

"Give me back my phone. We need to leave this place." I say even though my face is buried in my hands.

"Okay." Zayn, the one currently in possession of my phone, says, sliding my phone across the table. He snickers. "I think we've tormented you enough."

I slip my phone in my back pocket and we pay and walk out of IHOP.

I'm very slightly annoyed, I'm not going to lie. And I probably look it, too. Liam walks over and half-whispers into my ear, "I'm sorry about those guys, they just can't behave themselves sometimes. They find it amazing that someone as down to earth as you could be so... Obsessed with us. Oh yeah, and I find it awesome that your lock screen wallpaper was once a picture of me that had 'Slide For Abs' on it."

I punch his arm and smile.

(A/N: Sup butterflies? We broke 200 reads today! Thank you so much. Our legitimate new goal is 639.

Anyway, what did you think of the chapter? Did you see the suspiciousness with the boys returning her phone? Hm. I wonder what will happen.(;

Strawberries and coconuts to all of you.

We will update again in a couple of days. Until then, you can comment and tell us your opinions on the story so far. It would be awesome. Thank you. Xoxo, Katie.)

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