The bright end of the tunnel (My friends book they wanted to share)

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Chapter 1

In a suburb just like yours and mine there was a 16 year old whose life was a mess from the very begining. He didn’t really think about it back then when he was younger cause he was able to do what he wanted and no one would stop him from having fun, once he was out of primary school he went into high school during his time at high school he has meet some interesting people and some people who he now kind of regrets meeting but he really doesn’t mind cause he is able to make friends with anyone. Year 8 sprung on him and before he knew it he had meet a really cute girl and it took him some time to come up with the courage to ask this girl out, so he asked one of his closest friends to ask her for him (the cowards way out) but he didn’t have the guts to ask her himself. She said that she would love to and from that day forward he was over the moon and nothing could ever drag him down, he was living his life to the max and had the thought that nothing could ever go wrong but it turns out that if he goes away on a holiday to a different country, this girl wasn’t going to like him anymore while he is over in the other country she still has the thought of him in her mind. Once he returned from this holiday she said that it is over and like him she didn’t have the confidence to say it directly to him so she said it through a friend and from that moment on it broke his heart and he felt like his life was over and that nothing could ever lift his spirit. Year 9 started to come around the corner he was really happy about this cause it meant that he was able to go to the city and he knew that it was going to be one of the best things he has done, turns out that he meet this other girl from meeting new people and getting to know them. He and his mate thought that is was fun to poke her on the head every time they saw her, she was an amazing girl really cute and everything but for some reason he just poked her on the head even though his heart would race once he saw her, his hands would start to get sweaty and he would go red in the face. He ignored those signs that he liked her and thought it would be fun to keep annoying her with his mate, he went on the city trips saw her around a few times with her friends and thought “man she is really cute and there is nothing I would change” but at this time he was still confused about if she was the one for him or if it was the girl that he went out with the year before? Once he passed year 9 he moved on to year 10, he wasn’t in any classes with this girl that he liked but he was in the same classes as the girl he went out with in year 8 so he didn’t get the chance to make up for his mistakes that he had made in the previous year. After the first semester he tried to hang with her and her friends to see if she would at least acknowledge him turns out that she started off knowing who he was but didn’t really want to say “Hi” or anything to him, instead she just mumbled to her friends and left him standing there but she would talk more to his friend, but I guess that was cause she had known him longer or maybe it was just the fact that the previous year he was constantly poking her on the head all the time. He thought that maybe she would say “Hi” to him at least but he was wrong, until he started to hang around with her friends more and got to know them. Later on during that year he gained enough confidence to ask her out to a location and learned about the things that she liked to do and he told her about what he liked to do and from what he thought it was going really well until the next day when she said “It isn’t going to work” then again he was back down in the dumps and her friends spent their time trying to help cheer him up. He was trying to accept that there was nothing that he could do to keep her interested and he didn’t want to give up his hobby cause it has been his passion for his whole life and to give that up for a girl probably wouldn’t be worth it cause he now sees that she really isn’t looking for his type to have even though he thinks that he is a tender gentle giant. Since that day they haven’t been able to have a conversation through social media because if they did it would turn into an argument over just the simplest things, after that when they see each other at school they try to play the nothing is wrong act and well he isn’t sure if she is playing around or if she is serious about it. He spends most of his time thinking about her and why it didn’t work, so far he hasn’t come up with anything that is a logical reason. He may not be one of the smartest people in the school but he sure isn’t the silliest sure he might say or do something that is silly but that is just one of his many personalities, but she just didn’t seem to get that he has got more than one personality and he is trying to show her that but all she does is get him angry and show one of the personalities that he doesn’t want anyone to see, and she was just trying to get it out there so that he didn’t have to hide it but what she didn’t realise was that if he let it out something really bad would have happened and his life would have been even worse cause then more people wouldn’t like him just cause of that one girl. Since this happened he has been trying to get back to his hobby but the weather just hasn’t been good enough for the owners to run their cars down the 1/4mile. He recently had his birthday and got his learners so his parents have been nice enough to let him get behind the wheel and start driving so he lost his thoughts about this girl and started to enjoy his life till she started talking to him without having an argument so he assumed that she had gotten over it but he was wrong he just managed to catch her in a good mood. He thinks that it may have been something he said or did that changed her mind about liking him but so far he thinks that she doesn’t even like him as a friend and that make him sad and he feels like he is going nowhere with his life, sure people say that he is great to talk to and all that but for some reason she doesn’t seem to see it the same way as everyone else. He thinks that he is going to end up being a lonely soul that everyone likes to be around but doesn’t want to be in a relationship with, and he might end up becoming famous or something and most people would start saying “Who is this guy” and others would say “I know that guy, maybe I should go and see him and congratulate him on his success.” He just doesn’t get it how his hobby of drag cars is stopping a girl from liking him, because why should it matter what sort of hobbies the person has. He thought that it was the personality that got people to like them; he feels that it is stupid to not like someone just because they don’t like their hobby. It is good that everyone has their own hobby/thing that they love doing because it can also be used as a little getaway. He has tried apologising to her for everything that he has done but that didn’t work so he now has decided that he has to give up on this girl even though she means so much to him, he also doesn’t know if he would be able to share that information with her or if she would just turn and walk away and probably never talk to him again because his feelings might get in the way. He knows that her friends like him the way he is, they tell him what qualities he has and help him get through those tough times even though sometimes he puts up one hell of an argument. When he is at school he feels that he has to put on a fake smile and pretend that nothing ever happened even when it is torturing him. He tries to hang out with his friends but they are all involved in playing video games all day where as he would like to get outside and run around or something like that. Each and every time that he gets upset about this and other past experiences her friends are there and tell him about all the good things he does for everyone and why he shouldn’t feel upset and he puts up a fair fight but he always gives in near the end cause he knows that they are right and they might know what is best for him. He does believe that he will find the one for him one day but he feels that it will be a very long time before that happens, sure sometimes his hobby will get the better of him but there should be anything wrong with that because that is why we have them to comfort us when we are down or just as a getaway. He goes away for camps with the school and also with his family a lot so he is at the school most of the time but other times he is gone somewhere having fun and relaxing. He thinks that in the years to come he will pass through high school and will enjoy himself then will probably go to university and get himself a job that he enjoys and is probably going to live a happy life, grow old and live is dream that he has had since he was a little boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2012 ⏰

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