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Two Days later, Bobby was finally discharged from the hospital after meeting his doctor's top condition for release. He'd to prove that he could get up outta bed and make it to the bathroom with at least the help of his son or a friend, and he'd to prove that he was able to take a shit without any problems. The latter condition for being discharged was absolutely mortifying, but considering what'd landed him in the hospital to Begin with, he totally understood it.

        Once he was able to meet those two conditions, his surgeon–Dr. Raymond West–was more than glad to sign off on his discharge paperwork. But instead of going back home to Florida, he'd already made other plans for what to do once he left the hospital. He wanted to be closer to his surgeon than not, just in case he'd a sudden recurrence before he Healed properly, so he'd decided on talking to Ash about crashing at his place. Thankfully, the younger bassist was more than willing to let him, but warned that he'd be able to help with his care only so much. After all, he'd his clothing line and what he was working on as his second solo release to deal with, and that took up a lotta his Time.

        Zak and Zoe were both more than willing to stick around, rather than going back to Florida once they talked to their bosses. He'd need them to stick around for at least two weeks, and after that was when he oughta need minimal, if any help. Dr. West'd told him that most patients in need of this surgery were usually able to Return to their normal Lives within four-to-six weeks. In the meantime, he wanted the bassist to spend a week on soft foods before switching a very fiber-rich diet to help prevent constipation.

        "I also wantcha drinking plenty of Water, which goes for pretty much any patient I get," he told him. "Juice's also acceptable, but I want the amount of caffeine kept to a minimum."

        Aerin couldn't help a chuckle as he looked like he wanted to argue. "Do ya wanna dehydrate yourself so much thatcha wind up constipated and shitting your guts out again 'cuz of all the coffee, love?"

        His eyes widened when she said that, and he shook his head vehemently. "No, thanks–the coffee isn't worth going through this a second Time, 'cuz this already hurts bad enough!"

        "Then Water and juice, it is," the young woman giggled. "Hell, I'll even suffer a few migraines till I get used to running on no caffeine, if it means not teasing ya with it."

        Dr. West couldn't help cocking a brow at his patient's girlfriend.

        "I've suffered from migraines since I was in the single-digits," Aerin explained. "Unlike most folks who trigger 'em by drinking caffeine, mine go away when I keep myself hopped up on it–it's the cutting it out that'll trigger 'em more, especially if I go cold-turkey."

        "But you're still willing to go through that for Mr. Kuykendall?" he asked, amazed by her Selflessness.

        "Love'll make a woman–or a man–do some strange shit sometimes," the young woman laughed.

        "And if they're not in Love, I must not know what that Emotion is," Zak chuckled.

        The surgeon was glad to see his patient'd such a strong support system, 'cuz he was gonna need it to get through his recovery. Even if all he needed was the mental and Emotional support, it was still better to have more than one person he could rely on, rather than winding up completely alone with no one to help him.

        Once he'd been officially discharged, a nurse wheeled him downstairsta the exit while his girlfriend headed on out to get her truck. He'd chosen to go home in a pair of PJ britches and a hoodie, 'cuz he couldn't care less about his appearance at the moment. Not only that, but his PJ britches were looser on his belly than a pair of jeans, especially ones he needed a belt with. As sore as his belly already was from having a Healing incision in it, he didn't want anything else irritating it any more than his doctor did, so loose clothing was the way to go.

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