Why heaven red???

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Lavadoo POV

I woke up in a dark room so scary aaaaaaaaaaa!!

I saw a man walk to me and say "hahah, you dye no!!!!"

And he hit me with a big stic!!!!!!!!!!

I think I dieded, becas I woke up in a wite room that was shiny.

I opened the door to heaven, and it was hot and red, why?????? I don't know hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!

I hear a gel song!??? It was so cool!!! It was on a teevhee so I watch. She was singing about puppi???? Why puppi???? I don't know! Hahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!

I wok to hotel she was talking about and I saw a tal man who was really cute and handsome and uwuuuuuuuy!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!! SUG CLUFFHWNGER!!!! YOULL HAV RTK WAIT FOR PART TWO!!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!

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