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Tears welled up in Aerin's eyes as she took in the Beauty of the ring her boyfriend was holding up for her to see. If there was one thing she knew about him, it was that he'd never get her what amounted to costume jewelry, especially for something like this. Every last Stone was no doubt as real as they came, and if it wasn't Sterling Silver, he'd gone all-out and made sure it was made of Platinum since she hated even White-Gold.

        It bespoke how well he really paid attention, given that he'd remembered her tastes when he bought this ring, whether it was months or hours ago. She couldn't help letting those tears slip down her cheeks, making them look like glittering Diamonds in both the Moon- and Candlelight. They twinkled all the more as she finally regained her senses enough to nod, holding out her left hand as she did.

        Bobby heaved a sigh of relief as he took her hand and gently slid the ring onto her finger, delighted to see that it was a perfect fit. He thought he'd gotten it in the right size, based on the rings she normally wore on a daily basis–which she'd taken off for some reason–but it was reassuring to know that it actually fit. Rising from his knee, which was Beginning to get sore due to being an old man, he gently cupped her cheeks in his palms and thumbed away those tears. Leaning down as she rose on her tiptoes, he captured her lips with his in one of the most gentle, but passionate kisses he'd ever given her.

        "Bobby...I can't believe ya actually did this," the young woman sniffled, reaching up to wipe at her face once they'd broken the kiss.

        "Ya damn well better," he chuckled, ecstatic beyond words. "I've been thinking about this for at least a couple months, but I just hadn't gotten around to it."

        "So, what made ya decide to actually do it?" Aerin asked curiously.

        "My surgery, if I'm completely honest," the bassist answered. "Made me realize just how short Life can be, considering I coulda died on the table, if my heart'd stopped. I didn't wanna waste anymore Time, but I'd to wait till I felt up to actually getting the ring."

        She couldn't help laughing, now realizing that musta been where part of his impatienceta Heal was coming from.

        "Once Dr. West cleared me for sex earlier–well, I figured getting it before I came home was prolly the way to go," Bobby admitted. "'Cuz let's face it–I'ma needy ol' man, and with the feeling I got..."

        "What–that I'ma needy young woman who was gonna do this?" the young woman asked with a grin.

        He couldn't help a gasp as he felt her grab him, the gentle squeeze she gave him moments later making him groan as he twitched. Not being able to have her while he was recovering'd been driving him absolutely crazy, but there hadn't been anything he could do. Well, not beyond the couple wet Dreams he'd woken up to when he'd lay down for a nap, but she'd stay up to get some chores done.

        Aerin let out a devious laugh as she gave him another squeeze, her other arm wrapped around his waist so she could press as close as possible to him. She'd certainly missed feeling what was currently in her hand, just in other places since no one could deny that feeling better for both of them. Now that he was cleared, she fully Intended to show him just how much she loved him–in a couple different ways. He'd never gotten head from her, 'cuz she generally didn't like dishing it out, but she thought it at least somewhat appropriate for tonight, as special as it was.

        The bassist growled as he started backing her toward the bed, loving the way she looked in the Candlelight. She looked even better once her knees hit the edge of the mattress and buckled, sending her sprawling across it so she was just as his body demanded she be. Bobby took care to be gentle as he crawled onto it with her, practically looming as he watched her scoot backward so she could actually stretch out–and so could he.

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