Chapter 1

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Hello! Welcome to my PHAYO story!

If you like this story, I hope you would like my other story "Caring for Myself", another PHAYO story as well!


Wayo Panitchiyasawad was always known as quite an "angel" in Kantaphat University. After winning the Popular Moon award, and winning 1st runner up, after his best friend claimed the Campus Moon award, he was always bombarded with love letters and confessions from people.

Wayo was a tall person, but with the friends he was constantly around, he looked short and adorable that attracted all genders to his face. With porcelain skin, free from blemishes or bumps, full, plump, and pink lips, big doe eyes that could stare into the soul of anyone that dared stare into them, and a physique that could turn any female to him or any straight man gay for him. He had the build of a swimmer. Not too muscular but overall fit enough to have a build to die for. Wayo knew that the hard work that he went through to achieve his current features. One thing that was new to others, was the Wayo was not a Science student. He planned to take up Biology but decided at the last minute with encouragement from his father to take up his passion, which was Music. Now being talented, handsome and pretty at the same time, smart and innocent as well, people were automatically drawn to him. Which led to what is happening today.

Back to his current situation, he was being bombarded with females and a few males asking him out for a date, or even be in a relationship with him. He let out a sigh as this was the situation since he was a freshman. Now a sophomore student, it was the same cycle all over again. But now, it was time to stop. He scanned the crowd and saw that majority of it was mostly females. It had to stop, and he know how to do it.

"P'Wayo! Please go out with me!"

"No, P! Go out with ME!"

"P'! Marry me!"

"Wayo! I love you!"

"Uhmm...." Wayo started his sentence while scratching his cheek. It was awkward to face these people that would constantly feed him with sweets, either with words or actual sweet things.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP! P' has something to say." A girl, who looked like a freshman, spoke up and shut the whole crowd. The were all anticipating the words that would come out of the angel's lips and grace them with his words.

"I would like to thank you all for your kind words, but I have a confession to make..." This made the crowd scared. What was the confession that Wayo was making? Could it be that he was no longer available? That he had a girlfriend already?

"I'm sorry to disappoint you all.... but...." Wayo took a deep breath and steeled his nerves.

"I'm gay. I'm very sorry..." Wayo said and offered them a bow, dissappointing majority of the crowd.

"AAAWWWWW....." The females in the crowd screamed at disappointment, failing to gain the affection of the person infront of them.

"YES!" most of the males in the crowd screamed, thinking that they had a fighting chance to get the boy in front of them.

"P'! Do you have a boyfriend already? Is that why you're admitting it already?" A girl in the crowd asked him.

Wayo grew nervous. He never anticipated that someone would ask him that question. It was not time yet.

"Uhmm...." Wayo said with sweat forming on his temples. He was silently praying to the heavens for someone to save him from this chaos.

"Nong Yo! What are you doing there? You're gonna be late for class. You don't want your 'big brothers' to be angry at you would you?" A familiar voice said from the crowd. Wayo craned his neck to see who is savior is and sighed a relief. It was Forth.

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