The Werewolf And The Wizard

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Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a boy called Charles Greywolf. He lived a happy life until he made a great mistake.
In his curiosity he wanted to explore the forbidden forest. He chose the night before full moon, because then the moon was bright enough to show him the way.
When he stepped only 50 meters into the woods, a witch appeared. She looked angry and asked why he came here. The young adult panicked and couldn't answer. The witch got even more furious. Once again she asked him what he was doing here. Charles still couldn't find an answer, so the witch pointed at him with her wand and screamed something the man wasn't able to understand but he was pretty sure that it was a spell.
He felt strange after he woke up again the next day in the morning. The 19-year-old boy was still in forest, but not at the same spot as the day before.
He tried to find the village again but the forest seemed endless. Charles walked and searched the whole day.
When the sun was going down and the moon was rising, Greywolf suddenly cried in pain.
And then it happened...

5 years later

"Goodbye!", shouted the 21 year old wizard when he left the city. Gealach knew that his next journey would last long, but he was used to it. He had been traveling for more than three years now.
After a day he reached a small village called Baile. The wizard immediately looked for an accommodation and booked a night in a nice small hotel. Next to the hotel there was a rather small bar and he decided to get a drink before going to bed.
The young man sat down at a table far away from the other drunk people. He always enjoyed meeting new people, but not when they were drunk. A friendly looking waitress came and asked what Gealach wanted to drink. He ordered a beer and something to eat. The waitress came again a few minutes later with his orders. The man thanked her and they started talking about random things. He told her where he came from and how his journey has been. When she warned him not to go into the forest, he became curious. The waitress told him about a werewolf who lived in the woods and that the villager avoided the forest at all cost. This was the time Gearlach decided to explore the forest.
When the wizard woke up the next day, he already packed all his stuff and bought something to eat and drink. Some villagers looked at him as if he was crazy and a few even wished him luck when he entered the woods. He only needed two minutes to figure out how to break the spell which made it unable to enter and leave the forest. The 21-year-old continued walking and came across a suspicious looking glade. He studied it carefully and recognized some werewolf-made marks. He looked for the werewolf the whole day, but he found nothing, not even a different animal. Gealach tried to break the curse, but he couldn't find any.
After an hour of unsuccessful tries he found the right spell. Finally he could see all the different animals. It was getting late and the sun had already gone down an hour ago.
Suddenly he heard the sound of a human transforming into a wolf. He new exactly how it sounded because he learned it in his witchcraft and wizardry school. The young man was looking for the origin of the sound.
Then, all of the sudden, the beast attacked him. He reached out for his wand, but he was too late. The werewolf scratched the man's arm. After the wolf saw him bleeding, he stopped and stepped a few steps back. The monster acted like some kind of force was trying to hold him back.
Gealach used the chance and fled. He put a charm that made the werewolf unable to see and smell him on himself, before he took care of his wound. His heart was beating fast but he just wanted to know, why the wolf didn't kill or at least bite him.
After the wizard came down, he checked if the charm worked and tried to get some sleep. Of course he wasn't able to sleep, so he ate something instead. It was a day after full moon so he didn't have to make a fire.
"Werewolves are one of the most dangerous creatures for humans. Non-magic people think that they only transform in the night of full moon, but that is not true. They usually turn into a wolf two nights before full moon and their last transformation of the month happens two nights after full moon. Ordinary werewolves, who were bitten by another werewolf can't control themselves when they're transformed, just one special kind of werewolf aren't losing their minds when they're in their wolf form...", the young man remembered. "The special kind has to be bewitched by a great wizard or witch. Nobody but the wizard or witch know how to turn them back into a normal human."
When the sun rose again and he heard the sounds of breaking bones he knew that the wolf transformed back into a human.
Gealach took the chance to see the other human and looked for him. When he saw a man, covered in blood with lot of injuries lying on the dirty ground, he couldn't stop himself from running towards him. He healed his wounds and took him to a old deserted hut.
Half an hour later the man woke up and had a confused look on his face. He needed some time to realize where he was. Gealach came into the room with something to eat and drink. He smiled when he saw that the werewolf was awake. He handed him the food and water and started talking to him. The wizard asked what the other man's name was.
"My name is Charles Greywolf and you are?", he answered.
"I'm Gealach Draoidh and I'm a wizard from far away land.", the 21-year-old told him.
They continued talking for at least two hours and the wizard found out that Charles was 24 years old and how he was cursed.
They found out that the witch who cast the spell on him was a professor of Gealach's school. Her name was Dona Forsa.
"Do you know that there is a way to turn you back into a human?", Gealach told him.
"Really?", the other man asked excitedly.
"Yes, but the problem is that only the wizard or witch know how to do it... But I maybe could figure it out... I mean I've been her student for about eight years... I know what kind of spells she prefers and what she hates to use..."
Charles looked at him like a child looks at its presents on Christmas. They agreed to try it out and walked outside. The wizard cast some spells onto the werewolf. Nothing happened. They continued with different spells. Charles and Gealach stopped when the sun was about to go down. The younger one was so frustrated that he said: "I swear to god, if I'm not able to help you until next full moon I'm going to destroy my wand and end being a wizard!"
The werewolf wanted to say something against it, but the transformation already started. Gealach ran into the hut because he would be safe in there. He thought about everything he learned in school.
The next day he tried it again. Still nothing happened. He continued doing it for almost a month and on the day before full moon he and Charles had given up all hope.
The 21-year-old suddenly remembered what professor Forsa once said: "The strongest and most important kind of magic is and will always be love."
"Love...", the man thought. "Like a kiss of true love!"
The werewolf was standing next to Gealach. He could see the moonlight behind the trees and knew that he hardly had any time left.
He leaned forward and kissed him.
The other man was surprised but he replied the kiss.
Charles didn't transform into a monster that night. The curse was gone.
The only thing that left was that the 24-year-old was now able to turn into a wolf whenever he wanted.
The two men told the villagers from Baile that the werewolf from the forest was now gone and they continued the journey together.
They lived happily ever after.

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