(short one/ not finished) Son of a Legend

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    My name is Richard Torn and I live with my mom, dad, and older brother. I'm only 11 years old but I already have the responsibility of keeping Satan away or at the very least I try. Okay so, let me explain what I mean. This old guy came up to me after school around last year, he told me my uncle was some crazy dude that killed people that were "guilty" and collected their souls. The wackjob now shows up every once a month after school to tell me about how I can"get my parents back" as if they're dead or something. I think he's on crack or some shit but that's just me because my brother Fernando tells me that the man is planning on kidnapping me. I know he says that just to scare me (which it doesn't) but my mom thought us self-defense at 8, I think I'm pretty capable of handling myself if worse comes to worst.

    I take a different route home every day just in case the old man decides to try and find out how to get to my house. I've told my parents about it and they talked to the school but that doesn't seem to stop this guy. No matter what happens somehow he finds a way to tell me about how "beneficial" it would be if I were to work for him.

This will be the end and I will not go back to it, this is from last year. It was going to be about ghost rider having an unknown son but like, I'm not going to do the rest because 😪😴 what a snooze fest. I'm for real only here for a friend but might as well post a bunch of bullshit while Im here, am I right?

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