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My name is Brent Roman and I am sentence to life in hell no not prison but the mental asylum, because what I did to my victim was due to the many personalities I have become to accept they are like family but more evil. I didn't pick a target I didn't mean to kill the person they just happend to cross my path one day, but this happend to be wrong for them because I wasn't myself Brenda decided it was her time to play. Maybe your woundering why one of my personas is a female well I wouldn't be able to tell you, but she is the most evil female you would meet just like my bitch of aunt. Enough about me let's just save the trouble before I lose control, hehe you all think I'm crazy but if you only know what was done to me you would realize that I'm not sick im just repeating what I know is right. My victim reminded me of that bitch so I just did the same things to her that she deserved to feel by me, but to spare you the details I ended up killing her which gave me a sence of euphoria or as Edward from twilight would say feeding frenzy. Sadly in the end I snapped out of it to late, you see all I remember is seeing the girl then seeing her lifeless body 30mins later on the ground with a pool of blood forming around me. I wasn't gonna run, besides my fat ass wouldn't get to far if I did so I sat on the side walk and waited for the cops to come get me, because it was a matter of time before someone reported her missing or with my luck someone heard her screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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