I found my peace in Alex
Alex wasnt a person
Or atleast alex wasnt yet
I'm sure Alex would've been great
Beautiful and nice
Not mean at all
Alex would've loved me so much
And I would've made sure Alex knew I loved Alex even more
Alex shouldn't have been made
Alex was an accident
I killed Alex
Cause i didnt know Alex existed
I dreamt of a day I could get myself an Alex
But I wasnt old enough at the time
My longing for love created Alex
But my longing for alcohol killed Alex
I think It was that one mean guy i slept with that created alex
I lost Alex 3th of december
2 month after the mean guy
An unwanted miscarriage
Alex wouldn't have been born anyways but I didnt get a choice
That's the part that hurts
I didn't get to choose if I wanted Alex
And noone helped me on the day
They all told me it was for the best
And maybe it was
But they didnt know the feeling
The feeling of real lose
Losing the part of yourself
The wanting to believe
If I could've given Alex life
Holding Alex while Alex cried
Picking Alex up at school
Alex's first heartbreak
Alex's marriage
Alex could've been my everythingFrom
A person