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BJØRN WAS STILL SOUR from the gratitude of Nikolaj Brogaard which had not yet been expressed and the sourness was evident in his embittered countenance. He knew not to expect any recognition from a proud man like Nikolaj, however, it did not stop him from grumbling bitterly. Nikolaj had no clue of the lengths Bjørn had gone to, to obtain the knowledge of Ines' whereabouts; how many orders he had to give, and how many scoldings he had had to deliver. Unbelievable.

Regardless, here he was, awaiting the proud man's new lackey's presence, one who Bjørn believed to be a replacement of the late Peter Karlsen, in a prestigious new club. Bjørn pulled out his pocket watch again.

"Bjørn Brendtsen?"

Bjørn looked up and found a lanky, pale man, glaring down at him.

"Det var fandme også på tide!" grunted Bjørn, standing up to shake the man's hand. <About goddamn time!>

"Ich spreche kein Dänisch. Diese Sitzung wird auf Deutsch abgehalten. Bitte setzen Sie sich, Herr Brendtsen." <I do not speak Danish. This meeting will be conducted in German. Please take a seat, Mr. Brendtsen.>

The man did speak Danish, howbeit it was a strategic move on Nikolaj's order, for he knew very well that Bjørn did not speak very well German himself, and therefore would be prone to agree to something without fully understanding just what.

"Jamen for helvede da ogs'," grumbled Bjørn, falling back into the loungechair. <Goddamnit.>

"Mein Name ist Herman Dahl und ich bin hier im Auftrag von Herrn Brogaard, der heute Abend leider nicht kommen konnte, aber er hat mir gesagt, dass er Ihnen vertraut, dass Sie einen angemessenen Bericht für die Polizei und die Presse verfassen. Ich bin nur hier, um die Details aufzuschreiben." <My name is Herman Dahl and I am here on behalf of Mr. Brogaard, who regrettably could not make it this evening. However, he has informed me that he trusts you to draw up a fitting narrative for the authorities and papers. Therefore, I am here only to book the stratagem.>

"Ja, ja, sehr gut. Was sagt Brogaard zur Bezahlung? Das ist nicht mein übliches Geschäft und steht nicht in unserer Vereinbarung. Ich habe ihm gesagt, dass diese Operation Geld kosten wird." <Yes, yes, very good. What does Brogaard say about payment? This is besides my usual business and not in our agreement. I told him this operation would cost money.>

"Deshalb hat mich Herr Brogaard angewiesen, Ihnen diesen Vorschuss zu geben, um sicherzustellen, dass alles reibungslos abläuft. Sobald das Geschäft zu Papier gebracht ist, werde ich ein Treffen zwischen Ihnen beiden arrangieren, und Sie werden eine großzügige Spende für Ihre Bemühungen erhalten." Herman Dahl fished out an envelope from his inner pocket, and put it on the table separating them. <Which is why Mr. Brogaard has instructed me to give you this, an up front payment to ensure all will run smoothly. Once the deal is on paper, I will arrange a meet between the two of you, and you shall receive a generous donation for your troubles.>

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