The boys adventure

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     In a world far far away, lived a poor boy that had no food, no friends and he lived like a pig and dug up worms, or like a duck catching fish with his bear hands to survive.
     One fine day he was strolling along the river dam when he discovered a beautiful forest with hundreds of trees covered with green vegetation all over. He decided to build a nice little home out of the wood and materials he stollen from Mother Nature earlier that morning. After he was done the self made home was livable but not beautiful. However, he did not expect to ever stumble upon what he discovered the following day.
Much to his surprise, on his location, lived something that he had never seen before. It was a creature of a wild imagination and had high and hot temper! It was a terror bird! One of the most feared creatures in this world that was so far away. The poor soul didn't know anything about this animal and it was almost too late to learn!
     The little man was in his little ugly cabin when he decided to go exploring to find the scary terror bird. He jumps down from his bed on the cold hard wooden floor and walks out of the homemade door, into the unknown wilderness. He walked and walked and eventually stumbled upon a huge nest! A nest that was so big it was at least ten foot wide and three feet tall. The boy decided to climb into this nest of an unknown creature, only to find eggs everywhere. There were so many eggs and they were all so colorful. The boy was mesmerized by the colors until he finally snapped back to realty when he realized his stomach was making this horrible rumbling sound. Since he didn't see any danger lurking, he decided to grab as many eggs as he could carry. A boy has to eat and all. Once he arrives safely home, he sets the eggs on the table so he can make the fire. After the fire begins he notices he is out of water. Such a silly mistake to make since the terror bird is out there, somewhere, and he has to gather the water at the river. As the sun is beginning to set, he runs to the river to fetch some water in the basket he created a few days back from moss and vines.  Being at the river right around dusk gives him the chills. He senses something watching, stalking him. The hair on the back of his neck tingle. It's time to go. He turns and never looks, just runs. He runs as fast as he can to get back home, to safety. Once he realizes he is safe he gets the water on the fire and watches it start to boil. He then dumps the eggs in the water to cook but little did he know the danger that was near! So he boiled five of the ten eggs that he had gotten from the huge nest, and ate every single one, the next day he did the same thing ran to the river got water ran home and cooked the last five eggs. When he ran out he didn't once think that there could be a mom of the eggs that were so delicious, so he ran back and got more and more eggs, until one day he got caught steeling the eggs of blue and green! He got caught by the dangerous terror bird that he knew little about. The boy ran and ran, dodging trees limbs brush and holes, until he got to his house, where he ran in and locked the door and began to work, but the terror bird was lurking in the forest trying to outsmart him, but the boy was ready he was ready for the worse, he was only ready because he had gotten his spear in hand that he had made from a stick he found on the run back home and crafted by the dull tools he had to make his cabin, and he also had a smart tactic that included the boy to run away from the ferocious beast and lay down and prop the spear in a perfect angle and so it would impale the creature known as the terror bird. As he got ready to fill his plan he got butterflies in his stomach but carried on any ways, carried on to a exciting victory that included killing the animal. With the boys excitement of the death of the animal he decided to bring the Dead corpse to his cabin, and gathered fire wood to start the a fire, and cooked it over the open flame. While the huge animal cooked he decided to go get the last of the eggs. When he got there there were no eggs in the location, but baby terror birds, all so much littler than their mother. So he ran home and did not look back. The boy knew they were to young to live without a mom so he decided to leave them in the nest. The boy had food for weeks, because the huge bird he had killed, he had All the bird meat you could eat. He could not even imagine running out of food any time soon. Until one day he walked into the kitchen to see bones, and only bones. He looked and looked for food but could not find any thing. He could not get any more eggs because he killed his only source. So he starved and starved until the point he was at a life death situation! So the boy went to the nest to see if there was any thing there he could eat, and sure enough there were eggs.

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