Theodore's POV
There it is.
My typical weakness.
It just stood there, looking all...perfect.
I stood at my kitchen counter as I looked down at the plate placed before me. It held 4 strips of bacon, 3 pancakes, 4 sausage links, and a big pile of eggs on the side paired up with a tall glass of orange juice. I began to reach towards my plate when I hear a phrase I hear to often at home:
"You sure you want to do that" My step father said as I began to dig into my plate. I knew that he meant well for me but, sometimes having him not say anything can reveal how great his love actually is.
You see, I'm a 5'6 ft, 200 pound Latino 16 year old kid. As a result for this weight problem, I have been placed upon the obesity category. My mother, unfortunately had failed to keep this information to herself and now, I have my stepfather "keeping me on check". Frankly, I've had enough. Im a good kid, really. I have straight As, all honors. I'm class president at my high school as well as a club president for our Humanities club. I seriously don't see the need for him to be "keeping me on check"
"Oh stop! Dig in baby" My mother states as she walks into the kitchen. I look at her and sometimes, I'm jealous over how skinny she is. I look down at myself and see the giant, round belly I have spouting out of me.
"No, I'm not hungry" I state as I pick up my plate and put it in the microwave.
"Don't be foolish, I'm just saying you should make better health decisions" My stepfather tells me as I make my way towards the door
"Yeah, I know" I close the door and walk my way to school. My parents refused to buy me a car because well 1) i live 10 mins from my school and 2) I need the exercise. My genetic father was on the verge of getting me a Mercedes. Yeah, I know, "What does a 16 year old kid need a Mercedes for?" I don't actually but, hey, he offered. I talk to him about twice a week and see him every two weekends. He's the only one that treats me a normal kid.
With all this thinking, I fail to realize I'm in front of my school doors until someone opens the door right in my face. I stumble back and look up to see my Greek god.
Jesse Ayala.
This boy is 6 ft, black haired, brown eyed, tan skinned, ripped body full of perfection. His big lips and and almond shaped eyes always make my heart melt. If you guys still haven't guessed it yet, your boy is as straight as a rainbow.
"Woah there buddy, watch where you going, you might hurt yourself" He chuckles and pats my shoulder as he runs towards his mustang in the parking lot. I began to secretly kick my self for not saying anything but, nodding.
I walk into school red as a beet and quickly go towards my locker.
As I round up the steeps, I found one of my friends about to descend them.
"Hey Gordo" Alyssa smiles as she says one of the typical names most of the nick named as. I simply smiled and walked off.
Sometimes, being reminded what I look like hurts a bit...but, I'll get over it.
Walking up to my locker, my best friend Lucy leans against the one ajounted to it.
"Sup fatty" She smiles and hugs my torso, having to lean a bit back because of my stomach stopping her from hugging me fully
"Chemistry kills you know?" I roll my eyes as I pull out my book and butt it into my sachel
"I LIKE YOUR MAN PURSE" One of the boys from down the hall yell. Yeah, some people still arent okay with there class president being gay, let alone just me being gay in general.
"Thank! Your dad let me borrow it" Instantly, the offendee was quick to jump on his feet and run to defend his father name until my other best friend, Cesar, placed himself in front of me.
"Okay okay John, back off. You started it, dont get offended when he decides to retaliate." John, as the boy was named, looks at me one more time and walk back down the corridor as his friends start bashing hateful gay names towards me. My eyes start to water as I hear them but, soon are dissolved. I don't ever let them see the pain the have caused me. I always remind myself that aslong as my parents are okay with it, then I'm happy.
"Don't pay them any mind, they're meat heads who'll end up giving you a ride from their taxis" Cesar said as I giggled.
I nodded and walked off with them to continue my path of hell, or shall we call it class?
4 Hours later
The bell rang which anounced lunch.
I ran off to the lunch line and quickly grabbed typical chicken tenders and fries. One of the only things that make me tolerate school even more.
I sat down at my typical table and was about to munch on one of my friens when John sees my from across the court yard and begans to yell.
I look up and see all of his Varsity Volleyball teammates yelling alonside with him. Suddenly, the shouting gets louder and louder and soon the whole court yard is yelling with him, laughing.
I grab my stuff and throw my plate into the trash can as I make my way to the bathroom. I walk in and find myself crying alongside the wall. I then feel as body next to mine, making his arm around my shoulder and rubbing my arm.
"Hey, they're idiots. Don't listen to them."
I look up and find myself in shock. There he is, Jesse Ayala, hugging me and comforting me.
"I mean, they have a point. Look at me. My sweater is basically fighting my stomach to not rip it open." I say as I begin to cry again. I always hate myself because I always cry at the end of the day. Crying only shows them that I actually care and this act, is only letting them know that they're winning.
"Stop. You're perfect. No one should let you feel inferior, not even yourself." He tells me as he helps me up. He grabs a paper towel and wipes my eyes. He smiles at me and I smile back. We make ourway outside only to find Cesar holding John by his collar.
"I'm so-..sorry" He says giving me the meanest look ever.
"You should be, I mean, I could tell coach about the girlfriend you have, which I distanctly remember him prohibiting us from having" Jesse raises his eyebrows, having me just remember about his stance as Varsity Volleyball captain.
"Its fine" I say choking on a bit of my saliva.
Cesar lets John go and Lucy quickly hugs me, telling me how idiotic everyone is.
I look at Jesse and whisper and silent thank you as he smiles, winks, and whispers a no problem to me.
I smile and watch him walk away and meet up with John, nagging him off into the courtyard.
"You sure you good baby?" Lucy ask as she hugs my shoulder
"Not sure, but for now I feel much better" I smile at her and begin to stare at Jesse as he messes around with the boys.