chap 1 "The ad in the paper"

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It was a warm summer morning as Jack went to the mailbox to get the daily paper. It was still dark outside for some reason until he realized that he left his sleep mask on! After taking it off he opened the mail box and the first thing that Jack noticed was a past due bill. Even though he had already paid the bills he thought it best to get a job to help pay the bills.

"Well lets look at the papers and see what we have." He says taking out the newspaper. It was just the usual news bullshit and the likes until he read the help wanted section. One ad caught his eye it read "Come one come all to Freddy's anime convention where love and happiness come to life!" Not bad he thought he needed some love in his life. After his morning shower he went to the place mentioned in the paper and what was seen was unbelievable!

(Little-Mute what do you think)

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