It's Never to Late to Clear Your Canvas (Paradise Fears)

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The smell of fast food from the past was evident. Even with the windows opened and the wind blowing in, the scent still lingered in the air. The sound of trucks and cars whizzing by mingled with the notes of the music playing from the radio. Occasionally, voices drifted through the air, along with the barking of dogs that were taking interest to the scene around them.

Faith looked out the window as she tried to block the sounds that prevented the silence she yearned for to surround her. No one was even talking, either. Faith tried to block all of the other sounds occurring around her, particularly the music. The resounding music was blasting throughout the car as Brooklyn, Faith’s older sister, was driving her and Brielle to Hillsdale Academy for a concert.

The blonde sighed as her best friend and her sister broke out into song as “Glad You Came” by The Wanted started to fill their eardrums. It’s not that she didn’t like the song. Faith thought it was great by all means that a British band like them hit the radio waves in America that quickly. The truth of the matter was that she wasn’t a big fan of music.

Actually, she avoided music all together. Maybe that’s why she wasn’t exactly enjoying the car ride to the venue. When it came to music, Faith didn’t bother trying to find music she could connect to because, somewhere along her search, she would stumble across a song that would remind her of something she didn’t have: love, friends, family---acceptance. Something that symbolized or referred to the fact that she didn’t necessarily have a life---an actual life that every other teenager seemed to be living.

Faith didn’t even understand why and how she even let Brielle talk her into going to this concert of one of her favorite bands: Paradise Fears. She talked about them constantly, but Faith just didn’t get them. Brielle didn’t really know that she wasn’t a big fan of music, either.

As they got closer to the venue---she could tell by how excited Brielle was starting to get---Faith started wondering how much longer she could cling onto...onto...She didn’t even know what she was grasping for. Maybe actual faith? Hope, even? No, just something---anything---to believe in. But none of these things were in her reach. She didn’t know where to look for them or if they were even attainable. Even so, she felt alone like she always had all her life, and she wanted to be left like that. But then again, she didn’t know how much longer she could live that lifestyle.

Maybe today would be her last. Maybe after the concert, she would decide to make everything--the pain and suffering come to an end. She just had to endure the event and brainstorm how to carry out her goal when she got home. It’s not gonna be like anyone will notice if I was gone, she thought.

Faith jumped in her seat when Brielle squealed right in her, breaking her out of her thoughts.

“Are you trying to make me lose my hearing?” Faith complained, as Brielle just started to point at something out the window. Her question was ignored as Brielle continued to squeal with excitement.

“There’s Hillsdale Academy! We’re almost there!” The brunette couldn’t keep still. She had been looking forward to the concert all week, and Faith thought she never would hear the end of it until the concert was officially over. But knowing Brielle, she would continue to gush over how amazing it had been weeks after.

Faith slumped back against the back of her seat and sighed. And the torture begins, she thought miserably.

“I’ll be back in two hours. Call me if you need anything. Have fun guys!” Brooklyn brought the car to a stop in front of the entrance to the school. Faith reluctantly got out of the passenger seat as Brielle bounded for the door. The parking lot was busy as people arrived for the concert and made their way to the entrance. It was a miracle that Brielle didn’t crash into anyone during her burst of excitement. She sighed, walking forward into the crowd to find her best friend.

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