- A L E X A -

18 7 8

• main character •

• main character •

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A L E X A isa girl of acceptance,a girl so lenient,a girl of execution,a girl called X,a girl of attributionis A L E X A

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A L E X A is
a girl of acceptance,
a girl so lenient,
a girl of execution,
a girl called X,
a girl of attribution
is A L E X A

A L E X A isa girl of acceptance,a girl so lenient,a girl of execution,a girl called X,a girl of attributionis A L E X A

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she's been through pain and fear. she's suffered. she never experienced the glamour of childhood. yet she stands today.
she's been cut physically, emotionally and mentally. ripped to pieces and put back together, inside and out. used, abused and left alone. yet here she stands today.
she is ALEXA
ALEXA is she

she is ALEXAALEXA is she

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• D I S C L A I M E R & C O P Y R I G H T •

-these pictures and GIFs were downloaded from the internet, as forth, they do not belong to me.
-any song or videos displayed in each chapter were added from the internet, as forth, they do not belong to me.
-most references that will be made in this book, will probably be copied from a book I've read, a song I've listened to, a movie I've watched or somewhere from the internet, as forth, it does not belong to I.

-the plot of this story was inspired by my own wild experiences, with a tang of my fantasy mindset to make it readable and it is mine.
-every bookcover to come, will be made by me. if it's done by users, they will be added to a chapter and not posted as the books actual cover.
-the character names were also made by me.
-this book is COPYRIGHTED and if copied or used without a DISCLAIMER to support your actions, your work will be considered stolen property.

- W A R N I N G -
•sexual content•
•violence and drugs•
•trigger warning•

please, please, please
if you're under eighteen and you believe that you have the mindset to understand this book, you may go ahead.
but don't complain immaturely about anything your young mind deems out of order or stupid, because you will never understand, PLUS i'm not a sweetheart who sugarcoat words and you might just get a whopping taste of my professional blandness.
~ t H a N k Y o U ~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2021 ⏰

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