Tropa Castle, Safire. Hiro shouts at Jane, "Why did you do that?!". "You'll gonna die!" Jane shouted back. Hiro was disappointed, and turn his back on her. Nhyx asked Jane to sit down for a while. Hiro punches the wall so hard, it nearly breaks out. Cyber tried to stop him, "Hey, hey! Calm down will ya! You're breaking my castle.". "I failed. I... I failed them." Said Hiro. Aula responds, "Jane did the right thing.". "She ruined everything!" He said. She replied, "You're indeed right, your highness. However, she did it because there is an ambush. I didn't know who or what he is, but I know he'll kill you during your fight against Sir Michael.". "What?" Hiro asked. Aula answered, "I assume that man is a Yuranian, because they're the most different type of smell.". "Doesn't make you weird that way?" Asked by Cyber. She replied, "Demi-humans were used to it.". "The prince of Foized! He's trying to kill me!" Said Hiro. Chaoo respond, "How is it him?". "I am positive that he ordered that man to kill me." Hiro thought about something, "Reflectors! Do me a favour. Go and begin a rumours that I, Hiro Conzus will start the war before Michael begins the great war.". "In that way, Michael will be force to delaying his plan and focus their attention to you! Great plan!" Said Cyber. Hiro replied, "Therefore, the other kingdoms were preparing an army to conquer another kingdom... Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome the Gods playground.". 'Now I understand why Daren wanted me to start a war, he knew that this situation will happened.'. The rumours spreads everywhere. "He is no longer the prince but he is a stone.", "what's up with that kid?!", "He's out of his mind.", "Let's believe that this won't happens.". Hiro apologizes to Jane, "Hey, Jane? I'm sorry. I should've trusted you. It's fine if you can't forgive me, but let me offer you everything and I'll do it". "All I want is past. You can do it?" She asked. Hiro answered, "No... I'm sorry. I should be going now, thank you for your time.". Hiro left. Nhyx sneak into the window, saying, "Hey! Watcha doing?". "Nhyx?! What are you doing?!" Asked by Jane. Nhyx replied, "You'll still not gonna forgive him? I mean don't you love him?". "It's hard to see him working hard to fulfill anything. For now, I don't have any answers." Said Jane. "You're right. By seeing him hurting before isn't fair for us to see him like that. He tried to gave up himself, but he thought about us. If he's gone, who'll lead the Reflectors to the promise way?... That's why we're saluting him for staying down, and not giving his body and soul to the gods." Said Nhyx. Jane replied, "I guess he is right. I am the one who is causing all of these troubles, not him." Jane began crying. Nhyx respond, "Oh no, don't blame yourself for bringing this situation to him. You see, past is past. No one can leap off and go to the past, and if you did that your future will be past and past will be your future. If anything happened before, no one can change it. Even the Gods themselves.". "You are right, going to the past isn't gonna change everything. Nhyx, thank you." Said Jane. Nhyx replied, "You're very welcome, princess.".
Moonlight's Castle, Yuran. Rodricks was talking to the authorities, "Once Hiro become a King in the High Kingdom, I'll declare war. Not by Kingdom wars, but the powerful war.". "Your wish is our command." Said the authorities. Zainier talk to Rodricks, "Master, the former prince of High Mountains were preparing for the second stone war!".
High Mountain's Castle, High Kingdom. "What! That's impossible!" Shouted by Michael. The soldier answered, "That's what we hear about the spreading rumours.". "Damn that kid! Prepare the stones!" Said Michael.
End of Chapter 10...
[Reflectors] Gatiens: True Power
FantasyThe World has been ruled by the darkness. Authorities were ordered by the Darken Gods, and the Light Gods were shocked by it's result. However, the theory will save the world of Heran. Together with his Faith and rules. By that, he wanted to release...