Untitled Part 1

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1.       Quiet people are shy

-they think being quiet equivalents to being shy or just that you’re not comfortable with the current situation or you’re not comfortable talking with other people. Take note: Not all of them who keep quiet are shy.

2.       Quiet people are dumb

-Or you look dumb and all of them are talking non-stop. Basically because they already said almost EVERYTHING and you’ve got nothing left to say. (It mostly happens in group discussions and meeting. All of them talks about their ideas then in almost the end of the meeting they notice you, asks for your idea and give you an annoying look because you didn’t contributed anything as if they give you a chance to talk.)

3.       Quiet people are smart

-Or you look smart especially if they are throwing questions at the professor to topics they don’t understand and you’re just there sitting quietly. They think you know and understand the lessons in class. Haha.

4.       Quiet people don’t like loud people

-they like loud people too. Loud people with SENSE.

5.       Quiet people are rude

-they don’t talk much especially to strangers or to someone newly introduced to them but they are not rude. Maybe they look unfriendly but JUST THEY DON’T TALK TOO MUCH.

6.       Quiet people don’t care

-they care too. They care about you too. They notice it too. They are also interested it’s just that they don’t say it ALOUD.

7.       Quiet people can’t sing

-yeah because they think they don’t talk too much how much more if it’s singing. Some of them can sing too they just don’t show it off.

8.       Quiet people are boring

9.       Quiet people are anti-social

10.   Quiet people are loner

Seriously, is there something wrong if you keep quiet?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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