Becoming Me.

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"Kay. New school. New me." I said as I entered the doors of Ebony high school in Bittersweet Michigan. I looked for the only person here who knew me. Selena Taylor my best friend. I saw her standing next to a locker and she flagged me down.
"Hey Selena." I said. She leaned over and whispered in my ear.
"Hey Adam" I love how accepting she was. I've known her since 2nd grade when we both went to the same elementary school.
The bell rang and Selena led me to my first class. She bugged the secretary so much that we had the same schedule. Our first hour was English with Mrs. Brawley.
"Hi. You must be J-Adam Watson" she said saying the J for Jenna.
"Yeah. I'm Adam Watson." I smiled.
"You'll be sitting next to Angel Steele. Angel. Raise your hand." She raised her hand so I could see who she was. I looked over at her and dang. She was an angel. She was beautiful. She had red hair, green eyes, a perfect smile and a great completion. I went over and sat next to her.
"Hey. I'm Adam." I said nonchalantly.
"Hi. I'm Angel." She said blushing. "Are you and Selena dating or something, because she wouldn't shut up about you."
"Ew. No. Never. I'm her best friend we've been best friends since we were babies. I couldn't ever imagine dating her." I said and she blushed worse. Not quite yet the color of her hair. I'm getting the feels that she likes me.
"Oh. By the way. We're learning mythology. I don't know why but you remind me of the Egyptian God Osiris. Which is funny cause all my friends say I remind them of Iris." She blushed the exact color of her hair. Yep. This girl defiantly liked me. It turns out Angel was in all of Selena's and my classes. She sat next to me in all three of my first hours then we went to lunch.
"Hey Halo" I said to Angel as she sat down at our table. I gave her the nickname 'halo' because angels have halos and shes an angel.
"Ayye Adam" she said as she sat down. I think Selena could sense that I liked Angel and that Angel liked me.
"Hey Angel, wanna go outside with meh?" she swallowed a gulp of her monster energy drink then stood with me.
We walked outside and walked to the biggest tree out there. it was a weeping willow, it wasn't the tallest tree I've ever seen but dang... it was wide it was about five feet wide and ten or eleven feet tall. Angel took my hand and lead me under the tree. I had a question to ask.
"Hey A?" I said.
She looked at me with her beautiful green eyes with a look that said "yes" without even having to say a single word.
I looked down then looked back up again, slightly blushing. "Will you go out with me?"
"Yes!" she said jumping into my arms, surprise hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and held her there......... then the bell rang. Stupid bell. They always ruin good moments. Those and blow driers... don't ask, it's a long story.
Angel took my hand as we walked into school. Selena saw us and squealed like a happy preppy girl.
"Omg! Please tell me you two are dating!" she said enthusiastically.
"Yes, we are." Angel and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and smiled.
"Awwe! Y'all's so cute! Adam, gimme your phone so i can take your picture!
"Gimme your phone!" After about two minutes of arguing, Selena just gave up on me willingly give her my phone and left me be. I don't like my picture taken. Angel took my hand and lead me out of the cafeteria to our next class.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out careful that my teacher didn't see it. I looked at the text it was from my dad it said 'Your surgery is set. It's next Monday so you better get ready its only 4 days.' I swore under my breath.
"What's wrong baby?" Angel said as she squeezed my hand lightly under the table.
"I'll be gone for a month or two after this week" I said sadly.
"For what?"
"Ahem, do we have a problem Ms. Steele and Mr. Watson?" said Ms. Butcher.
"No ma'am" we both said as I got out a piece of paper and wrote the first thing that came to mind. 'spleen' and showed it to Halo. She made an 'ooooh' face as she read it. I took the note and put it in my binder with my other papers. The rest of the day was usual. I walked home after that class it was the last class of my day I got home and unlocked my house went upstairs and started packing.

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