first encounter

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You sit at your desk filing through paperwork. Your lieutenant taps you on your shoulder getting your attention.
You look back to see him , Andy, your partner of 5 years. "Y/N you have a case," he said handing you the case file then leaving promptly. Andy goes and sits at his desk which is adjacent to you.

"Let me fill you in on the case, the witness' name is Jordan BouleViau, 27 years old, and is a witness to the murder of Eleanor smith, committed by the "psychopath", who has been leaving his call card in peoples throat by slashing it open and leaving them to bleed to death and he always murders in the night, the local gang also calls him the "hitman" killing people for any price."

"Jordan called in last night, he wanted to give information so we have to wait for a bit since it is still the morning, he insisted on coming down here in the afternoon for some odd reason". Andy hands you two files, one about the murder and the other about Jordan, " he's a criminal?" you say being a little shock "take a look", Andy says then leaving you to comprehend more information.

You read and go through his profile, his name and picture seem familiar to you, but you just can't recall anything on it. The afternoon soon arrives but Jordan is nowhere in sight, "he should have been here by now " you thought to yourself. Immediately two cops burst through the door with Jordan stuck in between them, He Aggressively exclaims "Let me go I didn't do anything wrong" Clenching his teeth while jolting his Shoulder back and forth trying to break free but couldn't, due to him being Restrain by the officers.

Andy quickly runs over to deescalate the situation "Its okay fellas he's with me, you can let him go" the two cops swiftly let him go " thank you!" he uttered in a tone of relief. his eyes glared at you, looking you up and down with a smirk on his face. " well, hello" he said in a cocky tone

"Please, come this way" Andy gesturing his arm to the interrogation room. Jordan instantly goes in and you follow after them.

(Authors note:) Lol, mistakes were made, i used to be head over heels for this dude, I don't like him anymore.
I was blinded by his looks, I won't be continuing this story, sorry not sorry. 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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