We're Not Strangers Tonight

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I came here looking for another excuse. To run away from somethin' beautiful.

Hannah Wilson sat at the bar nursing her Vodka Cranberry and staring at her phone. The picture that looked back at her was one of her and her ex that she had just broken up with. "Cheers to cheaters," she thought to herself. She never thought her ex would cheat on her, let alone it be her best friend. She downed her drink and set it back on the bar. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone come into her view, sitting on the stool next to her. "Can I get another?" Hannah asked the bartender. "For you sir?" "Jack and Coke," the voice answered. Hannah still hadn't looked to her right to see the person on the stool next to her until they spoke to her directly. "Rough day?" he asked. She tore her eyes away from her phone and to the voice beside her. "You have no idea," she started and then realized it was NASCAR driver Ryan Blaney.

It's like it's driving me closer to you. Every step back pulls me right back to you.

"Sorry to hear that. Let me buy your drink," he insisted. "No I'm good, but thanks." She didn't want to have a conversation with anyone at the moment, especially someone like Ryan, who she'd probably make a fool of herself in front of. The bartender set their drinks down and Hannah took a long swig and saw Ryan swirling his glass out of the corner of her eye. "Rough day too?" she asked. He cracked a small smile. "I mean yes and no. Kind of the usual at this point." Hannah took another sip as the alcohol started to course through her system. "So what happened?" she blurted out, immediately regretting that decision. "I mean you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Ryan took another drink. "I'll make you a deal. I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours." Hannah gulped and took another drink. She nodded her head in agreement, not sure what she had just gotten herself into. "Just tired of being screwed over by people. I mean I'll admit, I'm kind of a player when it comes to girls, but when you think you meet the one for you and boom she's fucking psycho. Not dealing with that." "Yeah I guess that'll do it," she answered. "Alright you're turn." Hannah took a long swig of her drink. "I caught my boyfriend or now ex boyfriend with my best friend in bed together. I don't think I've ever been that upset and angry at the same time." Her eyes met Ryan's. "Ok you win," he laughed. "Hey," she said pushing against his shoulder. "Here's to psychos and assholes." Ryan raised his glass to meet hers as their eyes met again and Hannah felt something in the pit of her stomach.

Time stands still and it's only us. What we feel started way before we ever touched.

Ryan set his glass on the bar. This girl intrigued him and he wanted to find out in more ways than one. He was a douche bag sometimes, but he wasn't going to play on her emotions. "So you've told me about you, but not your name." "It's Hannah." "Well Hannah, I'm Ryan." He watched her take another sip of her drink. "I know who you are." Fuck she already knew, he thought. He thought his chances might be blown after admitting to her he was pretty much a douchebag to girls.

Just imagine only us. Yeah, you found me right before I'd given up

Hannah found herself attracted to Ryan. She had just gone through a rough break-up, but the thought of sleeping with Ryan crossed her mind. Hannah he already admitted he's a player. Do you really want that? "You ok?" she heard him ask. She snapped back to reality and realized she was deep in her own thoughts. "Yeah," she answered. "Want another drink?" he asked. Hannah nodded, knocking back what was left in her last one. The bartender set down a drink and a shot. "Looks like we need something stronger tonight. Hannah nodded and she toasted with Ryan to their bad day, letting the liquor burn her throat on the way down.

He heard the music change and thought he'd ask her to dance. He wanted to touch her, hold her, make all of her problems go away. The problem was she was a stranger to him. They had never met and he really wished they had. "Want to dance?" he asked. Hannah looked at him with drunken curiosity. "Sure." Ryan took her by the hand to the dance floor and pulled her to him. "Thank you," she said. "For what?" "For making my day better, even if you did admit you were a player." Ryan shook his head as their eyes met and he felt something it him. A Force to be reckoned with.

Strangers {Ryan Blaney}Where stories live. Discover now