Chapter 1: When Dark pit was little

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When Dark Pit was little he always sees his mom crying on the floor and of course Dark Pit was confused that his mom was crying on the floor, (Just saying guys that Dark Pit only 3 years old right now) when dad comes home he starts to get angry at everything and sometimes he even hits mom and I always wonder why he hits her even they love each other "Dark pit's thoughts (That was when I notice what type of relationship was my mom and dad in). 

When I was 4 years old, Mom and I always go to the park, and when we get there my mom said to go play and of course I said okay mommy. 

When I was playing in the park I throw the ball and I saw a boy who was lonely so I went over there where the boy was and I said why are you here all alone they boy said will I have no friends and Lady Palutena said she will be right back so I'm waiting for her and you why are you playing alone with your ball?

 Oh will I'm her cause my mom wants be so go out and have some fresh air and play with someone but I have no friends at all Dark Pits said. 

The boy was thinking about something and he wanted to say that he could be his friend but he remembers that Lady Palutena said don't talk to strangers that are adults or children, put he didn't look like a bad guy or something cause he even said why was I alone. 

The boy said hey so do you want to be my friend? 

Dark Pit said wait but we don't even know each other that well!?!

 Oh your right sorry the boy said. 

Dark pit said well you and I could come here every single day that we could know each other more and then we could be friends? 

The boy said okay then deal, but first we need to know are names right?

 My name is Pit and yours? 

Oh my name is Dark Pi.... Honey we need to come home Dark pit's Mom said. 

Oh my mom calling me I need to go sorry Pit I will tell you my name tomorrow okay BYE PIT!!!!!!  Pit said YEAH OKAY SEE YOU TOMORROW TOO!!!!! 

When Pit and Dark pit said bye to each other Dark Pit's Mother said is that your new friend honey?

Dark pit said well not really.

Dark Pit's Mother said really then why did you say ''let's come back tomorrow so we could know each other better???''. 

Oh yeah I did say that cause I said that ''I could come here every single day that we could know each other more and then we could be friends'' and then Pit said ''okay then deal'', so that why I said ''lets come back tomorrow so that we could know each other better''.

Dark pit's mother said oh so his name is Pit it's really like your name but you start with Dark and that boy starts at Pit.

Mommy your right cause my name is Dark Pit and his name is Pit. (Dark Pit smiles)

You look really happy that that boy has his name as Pit right Dark Pit's Mother said.

Yep I'm really happy that his name is Pit cause it kinda sounds like my name and I can't wait til we are friends Dark pit said.

When Dark pit and his mother were walking home Lady Palutena came back.

 Pit!?.... where are you Pit I'm back Lady Palutena said.

When she was looking for Pit she couldn't find him so she was screaming his name as loud as she can and the people were staring at her and asked her why are you screaming Lady Palutena said I'm looking for a boy who has white wings brown hair and blue eyes have you seen him in this park.

A women said well she did......

Lady Palutena said really where!?!?

The women said he was talking to a black Angel boy and he didn't look like one of us who has lightness Realm he looked like he belongs to the Darkness Realm.

Lady Palutena said what there's a Dark angel or.....

The women said yes there is a black angel here!!!

Lady Palutena said there must be a mistake cause in this world is only light people not dark people!?!?!?

The women said your right but your kid was talking to a Black Angel.

Lady Palutena had no words and after that she tried to look for the kid.

She keeps calling his name over and over again.

Then Pit get out of the restroom and hears his name and the voice sounded like Lady Palutena so he went look and it was her.

Pit shouted HEY I'M HERE LADY PALUTENA!!!!!!

She heared someone shouting her name so she look at that person and it was Pit.

Lady Palutena run as fastes as she could to hug him.

When she was running to him and then she hugged him and Pit hugged back Pit said why all of a sudden.

 Lady Palutena said cause I couldn't see you and where in the heck were you!?!?!

Pit said in the restroom and sorry that I scared you Lady Palutena.

She forgives him and she said the people that were in the playground said that you were talking to a Dark Angel is it true Pit.

Pit was shocked and he said yes I did meet a Dark Angel but he is not mean like you think he is a grateful Dark Angel.

Lady Palutena said so you guys are friends now right.

 Pit said I wish he looks so nice and grateful.

Lady Palutena said you wish but you know his name and he know yours.

Pit said he knows my name but I don't know his.

Lady Palutena said why.

Pit said because right when he was about to say his name his mom came to pick him up and he said it's to suddenly to be friends cause we barely meet so we will meet tomorrow at 9:30.

So it's a yes right Lady Palutena Pit said.

She was about to say no cause that Angel is from the Dark Realm and they are mean and never happy and they even hurt people. Lady Palutena head (but if It says he is nice and grateful then I guess he could go and meet him). Lady Palutena said okay okay you could meet this boy but please if anything happens tell me okay.

Pit said okay Lady Palutena and I don't think nothing would happaned cause he is really nice.

end of chapter one.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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