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You're a dude, or gal, but it's 3rd person. The director's name is Mitsuru (I uh, idk why I chose this name but yes)
Clothes: imagine fabulousness (I do not care what you are wearing so it can be a very cool sans undertale outfit)

Today, the troupe is out and about performing street acts on Veludo Way to promote the play. Omi and Taichi are doing a back-and-forth with their characters while Banri, Juza, and Sakyo work together to pass out a few pamphlets. Mitsuru holds a hefty stack of pamphlets in their arms and passes out flyers to promote the Autumn Troupe's 2nd show. Mitsuru remembers Sakyo's condescending words from yesterday, "You'll have to pass out at least 3 stacks of pamphlets of 'The Stranger' or you're banned from eating curry for a month." Of course, this was terrifying for them and thankfully the rest of the troupe pitched in to help out. (Sakyo's not a complete monster -v-''')

As Omi acts in his lone wolf character towards Taichi, Taichi does have a few problems acting as a girl but works well with the audience. Their street performance ends well, and the crowd claps. Mitsuru yells out, "Remember to come tomorrow for the show's opening night!" Banri works his charm with a few gals (toss in a guy from time to time) and passes out his pamphlets. Juza still seems unapproachable to people but flashes a quick smile to a few people and hands some pamphlets. Although, he frowns and seems that his head is elsewhere. Mitsuru looks at him with concern. "Are you alright, Juza?" They ask.
"Oh it's nothin', don't worry about it." He mutters out.

A few hours pass and it's a good time to stop for the day. Omi heads back first to start prepping some lunch for the troupes. Taichi heads back with him to help out in the kitchen, but he'll probably fall asleep for a bit from today's work. Banri gets a text from Itaru and excuses himself to head to the arcade. "I'm not gonna lose to him for the fifth time!" Cocking a grin, as he yells and leaves. Sakyo gets a call, excuses himself and talks about possible shady yakuza business. He comes back to Mitsuru and Juza saying, "A friend of mine got into some trouble, so I'll see you back at the company then."

That just leaves Juza and Mitsuru in the middle of the streets. Mitsuru glances over at Juza and gets worried again. Mitsuru pipes in, "Are you sure you'll be alright?"
"Yea I'll be fine, why d'you ask?"
"You just seem concerned over something...?" Mitsuru asks, peering over Juza's left side.
Juza's cheeks have turned into a tint red as he looks quickly away.
"Erm..." Juza says.
"Are you sure you're alright?"
"It's uh..."
Mitsuru notices Juza focused on something. Following his gaze, Mitsuru sees an interesting café in the distance. The sign says "Sakura Cats!", with an icon of a cat's face next to it. The café seems to be well-known for their cakes as there are many cakes seen in their display windows. Mitsuru could literally see Juza starting to drool.
"Would you like to go in," says Mitsuru, gesturing towards the shop, "We could stop by for a bit and take some cakes home for everyone?"
They walked over to the bakery together, side by side. Juza grabs the door's handle and holds the door open for Mitsuru.
"Thanks Juza." Mitsuru says while walking in. He grunts in response before heading in himself and closing the door behind him, hearing the jangle of the door's bell.

Inside, the café gives a warm ambience: playing light music on the speakers of the building while the smell of sweets devour the room. There's a counter with a display of small white cakes decorated with strawberries on top, along with chocolate cakes, cupcakes and small tarts. The menu with a simple color scheme displays above the counter, detailing pricing and drinks.

"What would you like to get-," asks Mitsuru, turning to see Juza utterly stunned by the café's selection. "Juza?"
Mitsuru waves their arm over Juza's face. "Hello?"
"Oh man, I think I killed him." Mitsuru says aloud, thus causing Juza to blink and turn to Mitsuru.
Mitsuru looks at him dead in the eye, "....Juza, are you alright?"
"I want a slice of strawberry cake," Juza musters out. "Please?"
Mitsuru smiles and takes Juza by the hand and leads him to a table. Pulling out a chair, Mitsuru nudges Juza into his awaiting seat.
"Wait here, alright?"

Mitsuru heads back over to the counter and looks over the menu. Juza glances outside, and then back to Mitsuru, who is talking to the barista behind the counter.
Damn, why are they so cute?
As if Mitsuru could hear him, they turn around and grins while waving at Juza. Juza turns away and blushes. Mitsuru chuckles to themself, and continues the order. After paying, they pulled a chair out to sit with Juza.
Mitsuru looks over at Juza, who was fidgeting in his seat. The boy turns away from the window and catches Mitsuru staring and blushes.
"You really must be excited to eat this strawberry cake, huh Juza?" Mitsuru asks while grinning at Juza.
"Oh, uh yeah of course," Juza stammers out, "I heard this cafe makes great cakes so I wanted to try it out one day."

The two chatted a bit more about the progress of the Autumn Troupe's preparations for the 2nd show and the opening night tomorrow. Then, Juza took a chance to tell Mitsuru something.
"Mitsuru, I-"
"2 slices of strawberry cake and 2 Frappuccinos for a... Mitsuru?" A sudden voice breaks them from their lovely bubble.
Mitsuru stands up from their seat, "Ah that's us! Hold on to that thought Juza, I'll be right back!"
Mitsuru walks over to the counter to pick up their food.
The barista chirps in, "I hope you and your boyfriend enjoy!"
"Oh um, thanks!" Mitsuru says while blushing furiously, heading back to their table.

"Here you go, Juza! I'm paying so don't worry about it." Mitsuru hands the drink to Juza and places the plates of cake on the table. Juza picks up a fork to try a piece of the strawberry cake. His eyes brightened up upon tasting the cake. "Woah, this is pretty good."
"Really?" Mitsuru followed suit. "Wow, this is amazing!"
The two enjoyed the fluffy strawberry cakes for a moment when Mitsuru remembered something.
"Oh right, Juza you wanted to tell me something?"
Juza stopped eating for a second and looked up at Mitsuru.
Do I tell them?

"I..." Juza started, "I like you a lot."
Juza started blushing and looked down at his slice as he focused on eating it.
What if they don't like me back?
Mitsuru thought for a moment and leaned over the table to whisper in Juza's ear:

"I like you too."

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