Life; In Between Failure and Success by: Jayson Rey Doctor

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“Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful”, stressed by Anette Funicello, a Walt Disney most popular cast. All we have to do is to enjoy life to the fullest. While we are still strong, we must enjoy every moment we have in our life’s journey. We have to make the most of it. Spend it more with those person whom we love, forgive all those who sinned against us for if the time runs out, we can no longer do all this.

Sometimes, we verge to falsify the idea of life to be stiff, knotty and enigmatic. That is a goofed misinterpretation. The real perception of life is precisely beautiful and we are just blinded by misconceptions and misguided apprehension.

Life; our health, our senses, our hand and legs, water, air, fire, foods and minerals- these are some of the blessings that are visible to us. While the best of those blessings we have is that we are alive and breathing.

Life is the only thing that we can’t purchase. It’s an endowment to us that we cannot find at the gift shop. Once in a while, let us try to unveil the blind fold that makes us blind to appreciate the simplicity yet fascinating concept of life. If we keep ourselves blinded, how far can you move?  Are we just going to sit there and wait what life’s ahead?

These were the questions that I know it bothers us so much. Most of the times, we think of better ways on how to escape from reality , to improve our lives and the most common way it to dream. Yes we are dreaming, but have we formulated the answers when and how to start moving and even when to stop dreaming?

In our existence we have forgotten that the best way to make our life worthwhile and unique from others is to share. Why share? Because sharing itself has a magic of its own. When we share a portion of our lives to others, two things will unexpected to happen, we inspire others and others may inspire some. When we share, we put meaning and color to their lives the same that may happen to us. There are only five major pieces in our lives that we can consider components to fight failure and success in our lives. First is our philosophy in our lives, it includes the way we think. Second is attitude, how we feel and how we consider others, third our action this represents on what we do for ourselves and for others, second to the last is the result, it measures if we are progressing and the last one is our lifestyle. This is our choice of what kind of life we can make for ourselves out of the four pieces. And this will make us whole.  (Jim Rohn).

Throughout our lives, in searching for the keys, we cannot prevent life to face failures. Failure is something that we should not take as if it the end of our lives. Rather, we should motivate ourselves that it is only a challenge that we need to get over. This is the spice of our life. We cannot refuse to failure as if it comes into us. Let us welcome it and deal with it. Failure is not a single cataclysmic event in our lives. We do not even fail overnight. Failure is inevitable, a result of accumulation of poor thinking and poor choices. (Jim Rohn)

Therefore, we should not blame anybody to what is happening on us. The failure that we experience and errors that we made in our lives is our own choice and it is in accordance to our decisions. Like eating too much with foods that is prohibited for us or insisting yourself to a person who cannot accept you of who you are. This is some example of our poor choices and decisions and later on we regret in the midst of pain and disappointment.

 This is how playful life is.  But life wouldn’t be complete without attaining success in our lives. To give further explanation, the importance of failure to success is that they move together as one. It is like we, humans without water. We cannot live without it.

Success cannot be determined by the position we held, or the amount of money we deposited in our bank accounts, neither nor trophies and medals that we received but it is through winning the battle that is fighting everyday within us.

Life’s riddle has not exemptions. It is just like everyone can have a fever. Because none of us in this world is perfect. “Let us open our heart and our mind now and ask God of the Universe to guide us now to His True Way. And then be ready to accept our true purpose in life.

I don’t know everything but I’m learning, for by knowledge I am saved; by ignorance

I’m lost.” Sady Yayale.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2012 ⏰

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Life; In Between Failure and Success by: Jayson Rey DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now