Chapter 1: He's stronger

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I punched my alarm clock off my nightstand. Fuck...I'm late again.

Bang! Bang!

"Get your ass up Katsuki!!" My old hag shouted through the thin door. "I'm up you fucking old hag!" I shouted back at her. I walked to my closet, grabbing the white button up shirt. After getting dressed, I made my way towards the door. "Bye you little shit!" I rolled my eyes, slamming the door shut. I entered 1-A and took my seat. Deku began to fucking mumble under his breath again. "Shut up damn nerd..." Apparently he didn't hear me. I ignored the nerd. "Alright you little shits time to go train 'cause you all need to fucking get out my classroom! I need sleep!" (😂 No, that's not what he said. He actually said this:) "Alright. Today you all will be training where the festival took place. You may go get changed into your hero suits now." Damnit...I forgot about that...I walked into the locker room, heading towards my locker number. I looked over at Deku. When did he get so buff?! I couldn't believe that worthless nerd looked...strong...compared to him I'm ju-What the fuck am I thinking?! I'm stronger then that stupid green haired nerd! "You may begin training!" I had to face Deku. "Come at me with your full power Kacchan!" I smirked at the invitation. "Die!" I ran towards Deku, aiming to blast his damn face off. The explosion wasn't as large as it usually was. Fuck! I'm not sweating enough! I was broken from my thoughts when a gust of wind blew me off my feet. I hit the cement flooring hard. Fuck..! Blood ran from my head. I stood up, showing Deku that I wasn't afraid of him. "Fight me you bastard!" Deku stood a few feet away from me. I sent an explosion towards the damn nerd. I...missed...? Deku came at me, punching me in the face using his damn quirk. He slammed me into the ground, causing me to shatter my shoulder. Why...does it hurt so bad?! I stood up, shaking. I glared at Deku. "Die!" Before I could run towards him, my knee gave in and I fell to the ground. He's fucking strong! I didn't do any damage to him! he...stronger then me...?! Deku offered his hand out, but I refused to take it. I ended up getting fixed up by Recovery Girl. I carried my arm in a sling and had to use fucking crutches. I went home that day a little disappointed in myself. I sat in my room. I can't be weaker....I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm not as muscular as him...I don't look strong...Fuck! What am I saying?! I took another glance in the mirror. Tears filled my eyes. Why am I crying?! The tears rolled down my cheeks. What the fuck?! I began to cry. I couldn't stop myself. Stop crying! I fell to the floor in tears. Why am I being so weak?! I caught a razor out of the corner of my eye.

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