CHAPTER 1 : Preparation

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"We should be expecting a war soon, "the queen announced in the rulers  meeting .

"We will have warriors  hide in secret in case  of an unexpected change of plans, "the king stated receiving  nods from the rulers.

" How do you  propose we stop an invasion during the war?, "one of the rulers asked

"It has already been taking care of, "the queen replied.

"The Zotananians  will come in full force, so we have to take high ground and take them down before they reach the core. "The queen ordered.

"It won't  work,  there should be some warriors down in that core in case there was an unexpected  attack" Emerald argued.

"Its too risky, the power in the core is unstable, those who have not taking training could easily fall into the hands of the other side, "the king argued

"Then put me there then,  I have the training,  I have will power and I can handle any warrior, "Emerald suggested.

"Absolutely  not it's  too dangerous,  so we agree,  we take the higher grounds, "

***********************************After the meeting, Emerald  followed her parents out of the room.

"I still don't  get why you won't  allow it, "Emerald  complained

"It's  not that we don't  allow it,  it's  that we won't  allow you being in charge of it, "the queen replies

" but I'm  ready I.., " she was cut off by the king

"Enough you won't  do it and that's  final we are not putting you at risk when we have options. " the king stated before he flew away with the queen.

Emerald's P. O. V
   With anger I push my doors open, staring at a girl.

"I take it that the meeting with the rulers didn't  go so well,"my best friend Glow guessed.

"Obviously, my parents still think of me as a child I'm  118,  they don't  want to put me in danger even though I have the training to go on those missions, "I complained.

"Maybe they are right,  I mean you are the princess,  the only heir to the throne, if you die there won't  be anyone to rule the kingdom, "Glow said sitting on my bed with her feet up.

" I won't  die Glow but i will take that risk, " I smirked.

"Are you seriously going to ignore your parents order and go in secret during the war?, "Glow asked and I nodded.

"Then I'm  in,  no way you are doing something  dangerous without me," Glow smiled.

" let's  get weapons from gooch, "I suggested,

" Why we have weapons of our own we have powers, "Glow stated,
"Yes but it might not be able to stop the Zotananians "I tried to reason with her.

"Fine but if gooch flirts with me you are dead, " Glow threatens.

We went to see gooch in his secret weapons vault.

"Ah, Emerald nice to see you again, "Gooch greeted.

"Hello Gooch, "I returned the greeting.

"And if it isn't the sweet pleasant Glow, " he said kissing her hand,  Glow immediately  removed her hand and pushed him away.

"Keep your hands to yourself" She hissed.

"Gooch  we need weapons strong enough to stop the Zotana warriors,"I said looking at Gooch,

"Shouldn't  you already have weapons from your parents, " he asked

" Yes but this is more dangerous and I don't want my parents to find out, "I warned.

"Fine here this is a 3g deathonator blaster, it can take out a hundred warriors with one blast, "he said handing me the blaster.

"No way,  so cool, "Glow exclaimed  looking at the blaster. Gooch smiled at her,

"If you think that's cool  wait till you try the battle armour, " he said leading us to it.

" it carries sonic waves and blast it all at once,  this baby is a gift, "he said tapping it with a smirk.

"Not bad, "Glow  smiled.

"Of course anything this amazing is meant for you, "he smirked and Glow groaned.

"This is perfect, thank you Gooch, let's go Glow, "I Said taking the weapons.

"Wait how do we hide  the armour,"
Glow asked putting one hand on her waist.

"Um you can use a blanket although it's  not a good idea but it should work, " Gooch suggested, Glow  and I looked at each other.

"Ok let's  go, " I said pushing the armour with Glow.

We reached the hallway and moved.

" Emerald what are you doing, " mother  asked.

"Uh. ..  Hello mother I was.. just taking this present  to um  Glows mum it's  her birthday, " I lied. My mother looked at Glow and walked away

"Ok this thing is heavy let's just fly, " Glow complained

"Fine, "I agreed. We grabbed the armour and flew to my room and put it in my walk in  closet.

"Phew,that's done, "I sighed.

"Lets get some sleep , ' I said falling on my bed.

  The floor was shaking and it woke me up ,  I heard people screaming.

"What's  happening, 'Glow yawned.

"The battle has begun".

  Thank you all for reading please comment and don't  forget to vote bye.


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