Paint Night

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After a long night of board games, painting and laughter, Sam and Joon are out before midnight. Sam awaken in the middle of the night. He aches for something to eat. The only source of light being the moonlight casting through the windows of their apartment. Sam's eyes can't adjust to the darkness, thus making him stick his hands out in front of him. Forgetting to tread lightly.
Sam ends up walking into the kitchen table, which causes the blender from Joon's late night Peanut butter Captain Crunch smoothie to knock over. Sam barely recognizes the falling blender as the glass reflects the shallow moonlight. With natural instinct, Sam is able to catch the blender seconds away before it hits the ground. However, when Sam decides to clean up the blender and put it back across the kitchen. Sam trips over a large paint bucket that was used earlier that night when Sam and Joon were having fun painting various images, from comic pictures to portraits. Sam is unable to react quick enough to stop himself from falling on to Joon's best paint of the night. A portrait of Herself and Sam sitting in an overgrown tree with blank spots in the bark of the tree. A glimpse of Joon's hopes of their future together.
Sam isn't harmed but the painting is ruined. I don't think this will be easy to fix.  Sam thought. Sam is known to quickly and rationally fix problems that come his way. But this time, Sam is consumed by guilt and anxiety. Will she forgive me? Would she notice of it was gone?
Would it be possible to recreate the painting? Did I just wake her? Countless thoughts rushed through Sam's head. Sam peaks through the door to assure himself that Joon is still vast asleep. Joon sleeps deeply through the night without hesitation.
    The morning golden sun beams on Joon's eyes. Joon realizes that it's time to get up but resist the temptation of getting out of bed and covering her eyes with her blanket. Joon tries to reach over for Sam when she notices he's not there. Joon Springs up from bed looking around hoping to find Sam. Joon walks out of the bedroom to stumble upon the situation in the kitchen. She finds herself looking at Sam cleaning up the other various canvases that were made last night. Joon asks Sam
"What happened last night?" As Joon rubs her eyes trying to wake up and recall her memory.
Sam hesates, "It was Paint night last night, Don't you remember?"
Due to the one to many Smoothies Joon had, her sugar rush made her forget some details of last night and able to sleep soundly throughout the night.
"Where is our family tree portrait?" Joon proclaims.
Sam doesn't know how if this would work but has no other options to protect himself from getting caught.
"I'm sorry ...You don't remember spilling blue paint on it last night?" As Sam delivers the news with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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