the dog and borger

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       The friendly dog next door loved everything from the leaves to the clouds. He never ate anything other than dry crusty dog food, and bones. Especially teeth. Teeth were like fries to the dog.

       Moving on from teeth, the dog wanted to try something other than teeth and rocks. Wanna guess what he did? Honestly it won't matter what your guess is,, The dog sniffed all over town for something edible.

     Something from a kitchen caught his attention. It smelled artificial and lacked of seasoning. The dog followed the scent which led to a giant red and yellow building. The dog removed his outer layer and started walking into the building with two legs.
      The dog was quite tall; he was 9 feet tall, and the employees were terrified when the saw the dog looming over them. The dog shed another layer of skin. The employees scrambled to reach a sacred object. The burger. "What a measly sacrifice. I want something alive," The dog boomed. The employees quivered with fear and some of them were running for the back door. But the dog was not oblivious to them and streched his 8 arms to grab them.

      One of the mortals was calling 911. The police didn't believe them. The dog only laughed louder, and the employees became smaller and weaker. The dog swept them all up into his arms and swallowed them all. "What a great meal. I should eat here again." The dog shouted happily.

    That's why you shouldn't trust dogs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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