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All This Time, from the first tear cried, to today’s sunrise and every single moment between. You were there. You were always there. It was you and I. You’ve been walking with me all this time. – Britt Nicole ‘All This Time’

            Harry and I walked through the ruined halls of Hogwarts after the final battle. As we walked, his hand found mine and our fingers laced together of their own accord. After Ron had left us, we had become so much closer, that this was a regular thing. I found myself letting go of what I had thought I felt for Ron, and then I realized he wasn’t coming back. As the feelings for Ron disappeared, other feelings surfaced, this time for Harry.

            “What’re you thinking about?” Harry asked, interrupting my musings.

            “Nothing, except how much I can’t believe that this is all finally over.” I said, it partially being the truth.

            “I get that. I have no idea what I’m going to do with myself now that we don’t have horcruxes to hunt, or Voldemort to run from. I have this new found freedom that I have no idea what to do with.” He said, naturally lifting his arm up to my shoulders, while mine snaked around his waist. I never wanted to let him go again. There are no words to describe how I felt when I saw Hagrid carrying him in, and Voldemort announced that “Harry Potter is dead”.

I put my head on Harry’s shoulder as we walked up what was left of the main staircase, all the way up to Gryffindor tower. The Fat Lady’s portrait was completely destroyed. We entered the common room together, and gazed upon the wreckage inside.

            “This is going to take forever to repair, even with magic.” Harry said.

            “I think they should leave Hogwarts the way it is now. As sort of a monument to the fallen. Build another wizarding school for Britain to use. I can’t imagine ever sending my children here after all that happened here.”

            “That’s a brilliant idea Hermione.” Harry said, smiling softly down at me, with a trace of sadness. I smiled sadly back. We head up the spiral staircase to the boys dormitory, where only one bed is still standing. We climb in together, and I cuddle into his chest, and just listen to his heartbeat. I relish in the fact that we both survived intact, well almost. We both have our battle scars, both visible and invisible.

“Hermione” Harry said after a moment.


“Do you ever wonder what would’ve happened if we had stayed in the forest of Dean. If we’d stayed and grown old together, like you suggested?”

“Well for one I wouldn’t be scared that you were going to disappear.”

“I’m serious ‘Mione”

“I am too. Do you even realize how scary seeing Hagrid carrying your seemingly lifeless body and having Voldemort say that you were dead was? I was scared I’d lost you.”

“Hermione.” Harry said, lifting my chin so I’d look him in the eye. “You’re never going to lose me. Ever.”

“You promise?”

“I promise. I… I love you ‘Mione” Harry said, before leaning down to kiss me.

“I love you too, Harry.” I said when we broke apart. I cuddled back into his chest. He placed a kiss on the top of my head, wrapped his arms around me, and we fell asleep. He would always be there for me, and vice versa. Always.

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