Eleanor Grant

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I wake up faster than a cat in ice-water, every sense urging me to crawl my way to standing. My heart is pounding, mind empty. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into my carotid. I strain into the utter darkness, breathing rate beginning to steady.
"Hey, Eleanor, you ok?" The warm body next to me shifts slightly.
"Yeh, I just need a glass of water." I mutter into the darkness.
The bed creaks as Owen sits up and switches on the lamp next to the bed. He pulls me into his arms and holds me tight.
"Listen, Nor-Nor." He grins. "You're ok now. I've got you."
He kisses the top of my head and pulls me even tighter as tears start to fall down my cheeks.
"You died." I whisper. "You died and I couldn't do anything."
"It's just a dream."
"But it felt so real." I sigh, slightly annoyed that he isn't getting it.
"What happened on the Island that shall not be named was traumatic. But we are both here now." He moves in front of me, wearing just his boxers. "We are ok."
"We are ok." I repeat.
This seems to please him, as Owen shuffles off the bed and stretches. Not a bad sight after a horrific nightmare.
"You want pancakes?"
I nod, snuggling back under the covers. "Of course." 

After eating my pancakes, I don't try and go back to sleep. There's no point. I'd only wake up in an hour from another nightmare. Instead, I wait for Owen to fall back asleep and then I get out of bed and make myself a hot chocolate. I slip on my hoodie and step out of the trailer and into the cool night air. My breath rises as new white-puffed clouds and I sip my hot chocolate.

Ever since the incident at Jurassic World, I haven't been able to get a decent night's sleep, and even my day is filled with me jumping at every loud sound. I reach into my pocket and pull out the three photos that I always carry around with me. The first photo is a snapshot of me, Owen, and the raptors when they first accepted me into the pack. This photo reminds me that even after all the bad that happened at Jurassic World, it was still the place where I met Owen and created our little raptor family. The second picture is a picture of my little sister, April, and Lowery holding their baby. I don't really hear from April anymore. She moved to Austin, Texas with Lowery and they didn't hesitate to start their family.

"Eleanor, what are you doing out here?" Owen questions as he sits down next to me.
"I can't sleep." I state simply, quickly hiding the third picture as I place the other two in my pocket.
"Did you even try?"
I shake my head with a small grin.
"Ok, come with me." Owen grabs my hand and pulls me into a standing position.
"What are you doing?" I giggle, following him around the back of the trailer.
He doesn't reply to my question but grabs a set of wooden ladders and props them up on the side of the trailer. He runs back inside and remerges a minute later with a pile of blankets.
"Wait here." He commands, climbing up the ladder and onto the roof of the trailer.
A few minutes later, his head pokes over the edge of the trailer.
"Come on up, Nor-Nor." He holds out his hand and helps me up the ladder.
I heave myself onto the roof, where Owen has created a nest of blankets. He pulls me into the nest, and we lie next to each other. No words are spoken, none need to be. He holds me tight and I hold him.

In the darkness our cuddles feel like a little touch of heaven, warm, together, cosy. I wish I could extend the night just so I can stay close to him for longer, safe in his embrace. His arms wrapped tight around me bring a peace I've never known before, a calming of the storms in my heart. I think it's Owen that gives me hope for the future. In his embrace, I start to believe that there is nothing out there to fear that all there is is sunshine, beautiful trees and kind people – friends to be. His cuddles are the only medicine I need, they are the light in the darkness; a lone star in an otherwise empty sky.

It must be mid-morning by the time I rouse from my slumber and for once I feel refreshed. Owen is already working hard, and I feel slightly guilty. He's always working so hard. I sneak down the ladder and into the trailer, where I start preparing his breakfast. I make him all of his favourite breakfast foods, filling the trailer with the scent of bacon, pancakes, eggs, and hash browns. Arms wrap around my waist and a chin rests on the top of my head.
"Mmmm, something smells amazing." He whispers in my ear.
"It's the least I can do." I smile coyly, flipping a pancake.
"I see you slept at last."
I nod, scooping his food onto a plate and passing it to him. I grab two mugs of coffee and we head outside to our picnic table overlooking the lake. We sit in a comfortable silence while Owen eats his food and I sip my coffee. Owen's too busy eating, that he doesn't see the silver car pull up or the woman who climbs out of it. My eyes go wide and I stand up.
"Eleanor, what's up?" He asks, noticing my sudden strange behaviour.
"Claire." I mutter, still not believing what I am seeing.
Owen turns around and follows my gaze.
"Oh boy." He grumbles.
I climb around the bench and run over to my old friend; crashing into her as we hug each other.
"Eleanor!" She exclaims, softly giggling. "How are you?"
"I'm good." I reply, pulling away from her.
Her hair is longer than it used to be, but she still looks like the same old Claire I used to love.
"Back for more, huh?" Owen grins, as he walks up behind us.
She smiles softly.
"Can I buy you guys a beer?"

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