If only just for now... [ Die Dir en Grey Story ] Part 1

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I woke up early in the morning. Mom did not like when i slept in. Honestly i was a bit scared of my mother, she could get very mad and scream a lot. Anyways, i'm Leah. A awesome girl from Scandinavia. I don't live there though beacuse me and my mom moved to Japan beacuse my father is a scam and a jerk. Nuff said. Beacuse of that we choose to move to another country. But i don't mind living here, i adore Japan! I love the cherry blossoms in the spring and i love the culture and manga/anime. You name it! But most of all i love the music, for example. Dir en Grey. I remember when i heard them for the first time when i was 11. God! I fell in love in the darkness of their music. Now i am 18, and just finished school.

I stood by the door and switched the sign from "CLOSED" to "OPENED". The little clothing store i worked in wasn't so popular, but sometimes it came costumers."Leahhh!!!" my friend Mio shouted happy. "Do you know what?????" she said."No, what?" i asked a bit chocked."Dir en Grey is goin' to have a concert here! We gotta go!!!" she screamed even happier, actually in a kind of scary way."OMG you got to be kidn' me! When???""Next week!!!! I have already bought the tickets..!""AWESOME!" i screamed and hugged her."Does your mother allowd you to go?" Mio asked.


My mom.

She didn't want me to go on concerts beacuse she thought i was going to end up deaf. Over the three years we have lived here she did not let me once go to a concert."Maybe if she didn't know, i could go?" i said."Yeah. We can pretend you and me are having a sleepover!""Good plan!"

~Fast Forward~

I closed the store and went home to me and my moms apartment. It wasn't the fanciest, but it was ok. When i went inside i was greted by mom. Drunk. She was often drunk, after what happend to her and me by dad."Helloouw sweetharttt!" She said."Hi mom" she tried to give me a kiss but i rejected it and went to my room.'I have to go to that concert, and i have to see Die with my own eyes...' i thougt and drifted off to sleep.

When i woke up it was sunday. Thank god i wasn't going to work. I took my cellphone and called Mio."Hey whatsup?" i asked her."Not much" she said."Ok, wanna go and shop some hot clothes to wear at the concert?""Sure!" she said happily."Ok, meet me at Shibuya 109 at 1 o'clock""Ok, Bye""Bye"I took some clean clothes out of my closet and then my coat and purse and left a note to mom that i was with Mio.

When i and Mio met we went to a kinda rockish/punkish store where i bought fishnet stockings and a black tight skirt and Mio bought a pair of black plaid jeans.We left that store and found another store in wich i bought a lacy top and Mio a shirt that said "Shit Happens"."Man i can't wait to where these! And go to see Diru!!!!" Mio said."Me neither!!!!" I said excited.

I loved their music so much, and i also had a huge crush on Die. This was going to be so awesome!!

After our little adventure at Shibuya 109 i went home. When i walked in i expected to see mother but she wasn't there, so i went to her bedroom and there she sleeped with her winebottle in her arms. I took it from her and throwed it away. After that i made myself some raspberry tea and went to bed.

To be continued...

No Diru yet sorry, but they will come i promise!! :DWhatcha think of it? This is my first fanfic so... yeah. bai.

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