♡ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ♡

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Claire's pov||
It is late summer and I'm at the Weasley's, it's been a while since I've seen Harry and I miss him so much as well as my mom. I found out my mother was sick and it's what she's been hiding ever since I started my fifth year, that's why she hasn't wrote back to me while I was at Hogwarts. My mother passed on a week into summer break because of how sick she got and after that I've been grieving a lot, I couldn't even think, sleep or eat the first week into her passing. Summer was almost over and I felt numb to the feeling of her gone but I'll always cherish the memories we've had together. After her passing, I've told the Weasley's about it and they've let me stay with them. They've been really kind and a good help to me, and a new habit I've gotten into was reading more to cope with everything I've been through especially to get my mind off things even though I still overthink about things especially my mom sometimes. But Hermione showed me a few books she really liked and I've also learned new words, artifacts and such things like that through it which I was proud about. After talking to Hermione, I told her I was going to get my book from downstairs. Once I got to the bottom, I headed over to pick up my book when something caught my eye. I look over and see Hedwick, I chuckled happily. "Hedwick," I said softly then putting my book down and walking over to the stairs. "Hermione, Ron!" I shouted for them and appeared Mrs. Weasley, "Claire, what is it?" She asked, "I was only wondering when Harry got here, why didn't you tell me?" I asked, "what?" She questioned confused taking a few steps down, "Harry? Harry who?" She questioned more, "Harry Potter, of course!" I said, "oh I think I'd know if Harry Potter were in my house, wouldn't I?" she said coming down the stairs, "his luggage is in the kitchen and his owl!" I smiled, "no dear, I seriously doubt that," she said, just then Hedwick chirped, "Harry? Did someone say Harry?" Ron questioned, "me, is he up there with you?" I asked, "of course not, I would know if my best friend were in my room, wouldn't I?" He questioned repeating what is mother had said making me chuckle, "is that an owl I heard?" Hermione asked. I chuckled rolling my eyes, "you haven't seen him have you?" I questioned her, "apparently he's wondering around the house," I explained, "really?" She asked, "really!" We heard his voice as I zipped around the corner and smiled brightly, "Harry!" Mrs. Weasley said happily, i then jump into his arms as he pulled me close, just feeling his embrace made me the happiest. We then pulled back looking at each other, I honestly didn't know what we were at this point because we've been distant from each other but I was still the happiest to see him. "It's good to see you," I said softly, "yeah," he said smiling softly as I smiled back, "Harry!" Hermione exclaimed as she took my place and gave him a hug, I took a breath stepping out of the way, I was just relieved he was here. "Hello," he said softly, "what a lovely surprise!" Mrs. Weasley said as he then gave Ron a hug, she laughed happily as Ron took a few steps back getting out the way as she gave him a big hug. "Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" She asked, "I didn't know know. Dumblore." He explained, "oh, that man. But then, what would we do without him?" She said, suddenly Ron tried to wipe something off Hermione's face as I looked them both smiling softly, oh those two were just too cute. "You've, got a bit of toothpaste," he explained as me and Hermione chuckled as I rolled my eyes playfully. Those two, always.
"So, when did you two get here?" He questioned both me and Hermione, I took a breath looking over to Hermione signaling she should start, "I just got here a few days ago, after I heard the news that Claire's mum passed on-" I cleared my throat looking at her raising my brows, "I'm so sorry, I wish you would've told me when it happened. I swear, I would've came," he said, "no, it's okay, Harry. It was only a few weeks ago but...I'm- I'm fine," I lied, "you said that when you threw up all over the floor when we were at Hagrid's Claire, do you really expect us to believe you? Your not fine! Look, I know what it's like to have the people you love leave you, to die right in front you. So, stop saying your okay when your not! Were your friends, Claire, don't you trust us...don't you trust...me?" He questioned as tears filled my eyes, he then pulled me close. "I'm sorry, guys..." I cried, "that I've been distant...I just...never really learned to open up my feelings when-when my father passed-" I cried harder, "it's okay, we know it's been hard for you. But were here for you and you can trust us," he added assuringly whilst rubbing my back in comfort, "and...it's been so hard try-trying to keep everything b-bottled up inside..." I weeped, "every-everyone hates me because of my brother...because of the stupid choices he's made. He-he was so obsessed with idea that there were cur-cursed vaults con-containing mysterious treasures hid-hidden in Hogwarts. But no-no one believed him, not even our mom, he-he broke all kinds of rules and put people in danger...try-trying to prove he was right. Some-some people say he unleashed curses on Hogwarts, some said he was even cursed himself. Every-everyone thought he was-was mad and Merula was lying ab-about him being involved with-with Voldemort...but she was right about hi-him being missing. After he got expelled, he ran away from h-home...and hasn't been seen since. He left me...he left us...all alone when he knew that we needed him after father passed. Some-sometimes I wonder if he real-really was mad...sometimes I wonder if I am too..." I trailed off choking up on tears, "oh, Claire..." Hermione said, "your not mad nor do we think you are," she assured putting a hand on my shoulder, "your...exquisite and I think you are bravest out of all of us," Harry said as I looked up at him, I took a breath remembering what he told me the last time I had a breakdown back in Hogwarts, I chuckled softly giving him a soft smile as I wiped away my tears, "you really think so?" I asked, "I know so," he said smiling as my smile grew. Just then, I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable so I kissed his cheek, "thanks, Harry," I sniffled, "of course, anything for a..." he trailed thinking about what he was going to say, I knew he was going to say friend. "for you!" He chuckled nervously as i did the same. "Anyway, back to what I was saying. I wasn't really sure I was coming," she stated, ah, yes, this was about when Mrs. Weasley argued about us not going back to Hogwarts. She even frustrated that my mother wouldn't have allowed me to go if it wasn't for her being sick which made me very upset because i lost my mom the same week she argued this but had eventually apologized and soon enough I forgave her. "Mum, sort of lost it last week. Said Ginny and I as well as Claire had no business going back to Hogwarts," he explained, "oh, come on," he groaned, "she's not alone," Hermione added, "even my parents and they're muggles know something bad's happening. And the worst part is she threw Claire's mother under the train," she explained, "what?!" He asked concerningly, "she apologized, it's okay," I said, "anyway, dad stepped in, told her she was being barmey and it took a few days but she came around," Ron finished, "but this is Hogwarts were talking about, it's Dumbledore, what could be safer?" He questioned, "there's been a lot of talk recently that...Dumbledore's got a bit old," Hermione stated, "Rubbish. Well, he's only like- what is he?" Harry said, "a hundred and fifty? give or take a few years," I shrugged chuckling.
The next day...
"Run along wormtail," Severus said whipping his wand around as the door slammed shut, "I-I know i ought not to be here," Narcissa started, "the dark lord himself forbade me to speak of of this-" Snape cut her off, "if the dark lord has forbidden it. You ought not to speak. Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours," he said as she put down the jar, "as it so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa." He explained, "you? The dark lord told you?" Bellatrix questioned, "your sister doubts me. Understandable, over the past few years I've played my part well. So, well, that I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time," he explained, Bellatrix snorts, "Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it," he added, "I don't doubt you, Severus," Narcissa stated, "you should be honored, Cissy. As should Draco," Bellatrix protested, "he's just a boy," Narcissa added, "I can't change the dark lord's mind," Snape said, "...but it might be possible for me to help Draco," he explained, "Severus," Narcissa said softly, "swear to it," Bellatrix interrupted. They both looked at her curiously, "make the unbreakable vow," she said daintily, "it's just empty words...he'll give it his best effort but when it matters the most...he'll just slither back into his hole. Coward." Bellatrix explained deceitfully, "take out...your wand," Snape said sternly. Just then, Snape and Narcissa locked hands, "will you Severus Snape watch over Draco Malfoy as he attempts to do the dark lord's wishes?" Bellatrix started, "I will," he applied, "and will you to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?" She questioned him again, "...I will," he said, "and if Draco should fail, will you, yourself carry out the deed..." She walked over to him now standing beside him, "that the dark lord ordered Draco to perform?" She whispered, "I will." He finished. Just then, an idea popped into his mind, maybe if I start the easy way out by targeting one of the best students in potions class...Clarice Montgomery. The two are always fighting and it'd be nice to have the them shut it for once. If I get close to her as should Draco then maybe...just maybe, somehow I could get out of this and she could be the downfall of all this mess I started. But what he didn't know was that maybe Draco Malfoy and Clarice Montgomery would start to develop their feelings for each other maybe even fall for one other in the end. Who knows?
Claire's pov||
We were now at Fred and Georges new shop they just had opened, it was real magic I'll tell you that much! "Hello, ladies!" They both said in sync, "love potions, eh?" one had said, "yeah, they really do work!" the other stated making me chuckle, "then again, the way we hear it, sis, your doing just fine on your own," one said, "meaning?" She asked, "are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George questioned, "it's none of your business," she said then walking away, Harry caught my eye and I could tell by the way he was looking at her...he was curious which also meant he might've liked her. It honestly didn't really bother me but then again we weren't even dating. I did like Harry, a lot but I just didn't feel any sparks the way I did with...Malfoy. Hmm...maybe there was something I could do to help. I thought for a second, me and Hermione then walked away and joined Harry then waiting on Ron. We watched as he argued to his brothers about buying something and they only made the price higher which I giggled about to myself. "Come on, let's go," he sighed then walking down the stairs and putting it away and heading out the door.
"How are Fred and George doing it?" Hermione questioned, "half the alley's close down," she added, "Fred reckons people need a laugh these days," Ron explained, "I reckon he's right," Harry stated, "well, they're doing the very best!" I smiled. We then came to a stop as my smile faded, "oh no, everyone got their wands from Ollivanders," I explained, we then walked into the place following behind Harry. "Harry?" Ron said looking out the window as we followed up behind him looking out too, "is it me, or does Draco and mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?" He questioned, hearing his name made me feel nauseous and just seeing him again gave me butterflies to my stomach. They then walked off into a back alley as we quietly and swiftly followed behind them, there was a lot of weird noises which made me anxious. But as we finally arrived at their destination, Borgin and Burke. We waited as they strutted off inside, why here? I thought but I'm sure that's what we were all thinking. We then started climbing a roof top to see what they were up to on the other side and to the best of our ability we tried looking in but what they were doing was unclear. Suddenly we hid behind the roof trying not to get caught as we ducked down but as we looked back, the blinds were closed. I sighed.
The next day...
Today was the day we head back to Hogwarts, I wasn't honestly happy about it but with my friends around and me finally had learned to open up to them made me feel much better. "So, what was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet thing? And who were all those people?" Ron asked, "don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation," he explained, "stop it Harry. I know where your going with this," I said not wanting to believe it, "it's happened, he's one of them," he added, "don't say that," I argued back, "one of what?" Ron questioned, "Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a death eater," Hermione explained, "your barking," he chuckled, "what would you know who want with Malfoy?" He asked, "well, then what's he doing in Borge and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" He asked as I scoffed at the idea crossing my arms, "it's a creepy shop, he's a creepy bloke," Ron said as I rolled my eyes, "look, his father is a death eater. It only makes sense," he explained, "besides Hermione saw it with her own eyes," he said gesturing to her, "I told you, I don't know what I saw," she explained, "yeah, Harry. Get it through your head, we don't know what was going on, it could've been anything," My voice softer than before as I shrugged, "I need some air," he sighed then getting up and walking out the room.
Draco's pov||
Abruptly the room turned an ashy black color, everyone was a little frightened at what happened. "What was that? Blaise?" I said a little anxious myself, "don't know," he replied back, "relax, boys. It's probably just some first-year messing around. Come on, Draco. We'll be at Hogwarts soon," Pansy reassured, "Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower, if I had to continue for another two years," I explained, "what's that supposed to mean?" She asked, "let's just say I don't think you'll see me wasting my time in charms class next year," I added as Blaise started laughing, "amused, Blaise?" I asked as he stopped, "we'll see just who's laughing in the end." I finished looking at him callously, suddenly my bag caught my eye, it was moving a little, weird. I thought.
It came night as the train stopped, Malfoy kept seated pondering off as Pansy and Bliase caught his attention. "You two go on, I wanna check something," he explained as they boarded off the train. As Ron, Hermione and Claire were about to walk off, Claire looked around hoping to see Harry in sight worried for his well-being, "wait, where's Harry?" Claire questioned, "he's probably already on the platform, come on." Ron said as they boarded off the train. I hope he's not mad at me, I hope he's alright. Claire thought to herself. But what those three didn't know was Draco had something else in mind. Draco then got up from his seat grabbing his bag as he walked over to the door and closed it, then using magic to shut the blinds. He stood facing the door, "didn't mummy ever tell you that, it was rude to eavesdrop, Potter?" He said then pulling out his wand, "petrificus totalus!" He shouted striking Harry as he fell to the floor, he then walked over to him as he revealed him. "Oh, yeah, she was dead before you could wipe the drool of your chin," he mocked then kicking him in the face grunting angrily. "That's for my father, enjoy your ride back to London," he then covering him back up and heading out the door boarding off the train. Just then, Luna was still on the train looking through her magical glasses. Suddenly she spots something, she then pulls out her wand as she yells, "Finite!" and it uncovers Harry. He then gets up and looks over to her as she raises her glasses above her head. "Hello, Harry," she said happily, "Luna. How'd you know where I was?" He questioned standing up, "Wrackspurts. Your head's full of them," she said looking around, Harry looked at her in surprise.
Claire's pov||
I couldn't eat, I was worried sick to my stomach that something bad might've happened or wondered if maybe he was really mad at me. "Don't worry, he'll be here in a minute," Ron said as I glared at him, "will..you..stop..eating? Your best friend is missing!" Hermione exclaimed hitting him with a book to his shoulder. "Oi. Turn around, you lunatic," he said as our heads both turned to him, I sense of relief came over me, "thank god," I mumbled under my breath. "He's covered in blood again, why is it he's always covered in blood?" Ginny said as I turned worried, "looks like it's his own this time," Ron added, he then sat down, "where have you been? I've- we've been worried sick!" I said, "what happened to your face?" I asked, "later." He said out of breath causing me to sigh. "What've I missed?" He asked taking a sip of his drink, "sorting hat urged us all to be brave and strong in these troubled times," Ron explained, "easy for it to say, huh? It's a hat, isn't it?" Ron said as I rolled my eyes. Just then Dumbledore began to speak, "very beat of evenings to you all," he started as Ginny and Harry caught my eye. She began wiping a little more of the blood off Harry's nose to help, "thanks," he said taking his serviette back from her as I opened my mouth furrowing my brows as Harry looked over to me causing me to quickly look away. "First off, let me introduce one of our newest members of our staff. Horace Slughorn," he said as we all began to applaud him whilst he stood up and waved a little, "professor Slughorn, I am happy to say has agreed to resume his old post as potions master. Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by professor Snape," he explained as I took a gulp down, they applauded once more suddenly Draco caught my eye as I looked over to him, he looked low. He never did, what was up with him? He also looked different, more so Ill. I then looked down and turned my attention back to Dumbledore. "Now, as you know, each and everyone of you was searched on your arrival here tonight," he began, "and you have the right to know..." he trailed off, "once there was a young man, like you, who sat in this very Hall, walked the castles corridors, slept under it's roof." I looked up curiously as to what he was going to say, "he seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name?..." he looked at me as I looked at him confused, "Tom riddle," he explained as murmurs filled the room, thank god he wasn't talking about Eli. A sense of relief came over me again as I sighed, only Dumbledore knew the truth about my brother and knew my family very well. He knew I wasn't like any of them except for my mother, when news broke out about my mother and he heard about it, he gave me great sympathy and it really helped a lot with griefing over my mother. "Today, of course, he's known all over the world by another name. Which is is why, I stand looking upon all of you tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Everyday, every hour, this very minute, perhaps, dark forces attempt penetrate these castles walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about." He finished as I took a shaky breath, "now, off to bed, pip-pip!" He added as I quickly got up and out of my seat, "well, see you in the morning-" Harry cut me off a little, "wait, don't you wanna talk?" He asked, I looked over to Malfoy who was getting up from his table then back to him, "actually I- wanna get to bed early, good to see you again though, Harry. See in the morning?" I asked, "great! goodnight!" I said then running out the doors before Malfoy could hoping he would notice me but couldn't seem to find him anywhere, I don't know why I was so worried about him when I know he wouldn't even care about me. He probably never even thought of me over the summer. Yippee me, chasing after a boy you hate but...could still maybe possibly like him. I rolled my eyes giving up, who am I kidding, your just a joke to him Claire what can't you get it through your head? UGH. Why do I always gotta be so lousy at times? I then turn to head back to the Gryffindor tower as I bumped into someone falling to the ground, "watch where your going-" he stopped as I look up at him holding my head, I groaned as he pulled me help, "well, well, well. If it isn't, Claire, Montgomery. The cheating, prick," he scoffed, I looked at him in shock, "shut it, Malfoy. We weren't even dating nor were we a thing and were just friends, odd to say much?" I raised my brow, "actually to me I thought we were, I mean, we did make a pretty good team when it came to snogging." He chuckled raising a brow, I scoffed in disgust, "plus it's odd to see friends snogging with each other, ain't it?" He questioned, I glared at him, "you know, maybe...just maybe if you weren't an arse all the time then you'd actually get a chance from me. I only did that to make you jealous and it seemed to work well," I explained crossing my arms smirking, "you used me?" I heard a familiar voice behind me question, I took a breath and turned to face Harry, oh no. "No, I didn't mean it like th-" he cut me off, "just don't talk to me ever again, yeah?" He said then turning around to walk away, "Harry..." I said softly as he began to walk away faster, I took a breath as my eyes began to swell. I heard Malfoy chuckled as anger built up inside, I then quickly pulled out my wand and held it to him. "It's you!...it's always been you and it's always going to be you! I meant what I said, I hate your guts, Malfoy. Now your going pay," I exclaimed then smirking as everyone stood around to watch, "no, please!" He cried, "imperio!" I shouted striking at him, "now, dance like a chicken!" I commanded as everyone laughed. I commanded him to do things until Snape appeared, "what's going on, here?" He questioned as everyone gasped, "miss Montgomery, care to explain what's going on here?" He asked again and suddenly Malfoy quacked like a duck, I furrowed my brows closing my eyes, great going, Claire. You had one job, one job! I thought to myself, "ah, I see, Finite Incantatem!" He said striking Draco as he turned back to normal, murmurs and giggles filled the hallway as I looked up and down at Draco. He scoffed glaring at me then walking away, "Malfoy, you're not going anywhere, come back. Now!" Snape instructed as he stopped in his tracks jumping a little, I looked at Snape confused but also suspiciously. Why did Malfoy get scared? Was he scared of him or something he might do if he didn't listen. "You two, are coming with me. Everyone else, get to bed!" He shouted sternly, I sighed rolling my eyes as we headed to his office.
Once we got to his office, he locked the doors as we sat down, I felt anxious. "Now, I want you two to explain to me, what the fuss was about this time?" He asked as I looked at him confused as did Malfoy, "meaning?" I asked, "you two disgust me but if i do say so myself I'm sure everyone is just head over heels for that unrequited love, of yours," he said making me choke on laughter, "wh-what? Never. Sure, Draco has his looks and all but underneath that pretty face of his, he's...he's..." I trailed off looking at him trying to think of something to say, "yes?" Snape asked, "he's just a coward!" I said shouting the first thing that came to mind but...did you really mean it, Claire. I thought to myself, "is that all you really got?" He snickered, I grunted then standing up, "what am i even doing here with you! I should be in bed by now," I explained then making my way to the door, "you know, your just like your mother...weak, stubborn-" I cut Snape off pulling out my wand and facing it to him, "don't you ever speak about my mother like that! How could you even say that when news flooded that she passed on this summer. She was the only hope I had left. You know, I don't know what it is with you, Snape but all I know is that whatevers going on with me and Draco shouldn't be any of your business nor anyone else's. Now, open this door or I'll tell everyone you threaten to kill me because I'm not weak and I'm not my parents-" he cut me off, "oh, Montgomery, you're not going anywhere and you will keep that mouth of yours shut unless..." he trailed turning around then walking over to his chair behind the desk, "unless what?!" I asked, "unless...you want me to talk to Dumbledore about the truth of your brother," he said turning his attention over to me, I put my wand down looking at him confused, "and...what might that be?" I asked curiously, "oh, so...i see your mother hasn't truthfully been honest with you," he said, "What is it?!" I questioned aloud, "he's... become a death eater," he explained as fury burned up inside me, "h-how do you know? He-he couldn't be, he said he wouldn't do that to us, to my mother..." I trailed off as a tear slid down my face, no, it can't be. He has to be playing tricks on me unless he wanted something from me. "What do you want from me, Snape? From us?" I asked wiping my tears away, "ah, my dear, you figured it out. Well, I need your help, Montgomery. You see I've been put in a position to sacrifice my life and...unfortunately I cannot do that. So, I need you two to work as a team and stop your shenanigans or else...Montgomery," he explained walking over to me, "you willingly will be forced to do so yourself and you wouldn't want that, do you?" He asked smirking. I chuckled anxiously as another tear slipped from my cheek, I took a gulp down, "no, professor Snape. But if your going to threaten to kill me and then instruct me to do your dirty work, I'll do anything in my power for you to stop whatever it is you have against me especially my family, including my friends. And may I remind you to stay away from Harry and if you dare try anything to hurt him, you will pay. Don't test me and I won't test you, then again if you have the right to watch every move of me, then I do too. Whatever it is your up to, both of you. The truth will eventually come out...it's going to come out." I explained, "you can think whatever you want about me but if you talk about my family again in any way callously, think twice before doing so. I'm neither my parents or like my brother, I'm their greatest weapon. Something much more than you'll ever be, because I have something you don't. And what is it you ask...oh, right, an actual heart for people and things-" he cut me off, "enough!...I expect better from you two, from here on out. Especially you, Malfoy, I'm watching you...both of you. Now, get out and get to your dorms, right away!" He instructed. I snickered knowing he knew I was right, then walking out of his office. Oh, how I feel sorry for those who don't know what love is and those who ought to do wrong and harmful things in this world we live in. "Wait, Montgomery!" Malfoy said running up behind me as I turned around, "here to ruin my night even more?" I faked a smile, "no, actually I...I just wanted to apologize for acting so...hateful earlier. I didn't know you were going through so much and-" I cut him off, "why do you even still care at this point? You've ruined my relationship with one of my best friends who I don't think will ever forgive me. You told to me that your actions don't mean anything but at the end of the day it does and lied to me right in my face. You callously took offense after I kissed Harry and turned your back on me helping Umbridge. Look, what we did was a mistake and even if there was a chance for us, we couldn't be together. I'm a Gryffindor and your a Slytherin, I've made so many sacrifices for you and all you did was leead me on to let me down. Why? Why-" he cut me off crashing his lips onto mine, for a second I kissed back and got into it a little but then realized what it was we were talking about. I pulled away quickly, "no, no more trying to buy my affection. If you truly want to be with me, your going to have to start being honest, Malfoy. No more playing games, you can't shy away from the truth anymore." My voice softened a little whilst i epxlained, "And... if were going to do Snape's dirty work then your really going have to stop being an arse cause I hate you more when you're a jerk than I hate the word moist." I chuckled anxiously, he gave a soft smile then sighed, "right then, no promises. But...if it means for your happiness then I'll stop being lousy." He said as I smiled softly, "then again, by meaning no promises, I might just end up teasing you just a little to get a laugh out of the day," he smirked, I rolled my eyes. "Right, it's a deal then?" I asked still smiling softly, he hesitated for a second staring at me, god, I wanted to feel his lips on mine again. "Stop!" I said playfully hitting his shoulder, "what?" He asked chuckling, "stop looking at me like that, I asked you a question!" I said, "I can't help it, Montgomery. You have a pretty face," he said as I took a breath, did he really mean it? "Right, I'm sure you said it to every other girl you snogged with," I rolled my eyes, "no, honestly. Your pretty, Montgomery even your last name doesn't compare to all other girls." He said, maybe he did mean it, but why? "Okay, that's quite enough, Malfoy. I'm getting tired and were going to get in trouble, just answer the question!" I exclaimed quietly, "fine, what is it?" He raised his brows, "it's a deal?" My voice softened once again, "yeah, deal." he smiled softly at me as we shook hands, "okay, good...see in the morning?" I questioned smiling back, "sure, but one condition if were gonna do this," he raised a brow, "what?" I sighed, "I get to call you by any name I want," he smirked, "fine. Now, goodnight," I groaned, "goodnight, Princess Montgomery," he replied as I snickered softly rolling my eyes then walking away making my way to the dorms. For one, how did we not get caught and for another thing what did he mean by "our unrequited love" for eachother? And did he really mean it when he said my brother was working with Voldemort? Merula said it and at first I thought she was lying but... I'm starting to believe that my brother was really mad just like my father had turned to be...that I might turn into him too but I don't that. I wanna follow my own path that my mother told me to follow. What if it is true? All of it.

A/n there's a lot of Grammer mistakes and I'm literally too lazy to fix them so bear with me while reading this. Anyways, I hope you're having a good day reading and binging these chapters. And some of the chapters are short, while some of them are long so I'm sorry about that. Also, these stories are inspired by a few other writers that I know so if you see any sentences that might seem familiar to you or copied then that might be from a book you read. Besides that, I hope you're enjoying this!

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