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The wind whips around the two women; one a witch the other a beast in human skin. Bitter rage spills down the cheeks of the she-wolf as they approached the destination. Neither had bothered making conversation on the short journey, each were caught up in their own thoughts.

One woman believes deeply that she will walk out of the forest feeling relief, a forgiveness for the one who'd betrayed her.

The witch is certain of how this night, and many more after, will come to an end. She knows they'd both be guilt ridden for the entirety of their lives, and that one day the Moon will seek vengeance for the innocence that will be taken.

"This should be far enough," the witch comments, her long nails gently stroke the kitten held in her arms. It mews softly at the woman who'd shown so much kindness, pushing its body further into the woman for warmth.

Both females stand under the light of the full moon, gathering themselves as they prepare to ruin a child whose only sin was that of being born.

"Do you believe this will work?" The she-wolf questions, her voice cracking as she tries to wipe the wetness beneath her eyes away.

"Never question me, Wolf." The witch hisses, boiling below the surface with a newfound hate for the female before her. They had once been like sisters, now the bond would be severed between the two. The favor owed would ruin them, as they planned to ruin the child. "Take the knife and say what you wish to happen to the cursed, then slit the creatures throat and once dead say the circumstances of breaking the curse. For every sin must have the possibility for redemption."

The kitten squirms as the she-wolf nears, crying out to the witch when the knife is pressed against its throat.

"The child will fill nothing, love-" a choked sob leaves her mouth, bile rising in her throat, "nor hate, for the rest of her life. She will never feel the bond between mates. Never will she have the reassured bliss that comes from the love of her other half. She will be empty, just as her father has made me."

One deep inhale and she is running the blade along the animal's throat, blood spilling between the women as they wait for the kitten to cease movement. Golden eyes meet the witch's green ones, neither can hold the contact for long.

The sky opens, roars of thunder shaking the ground beneath them as the air above crackles with lightning. The beast begins speaking once more, and the sky continues its cries for the loss of the innocent.

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