The Orphanage

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Hey so i know i haven't finished any of my stories, i have a tendancy not to finish but i will try to at least finish Sam in Hogwarts.  Anyway, as i was saying i haven't finished any of my stories but this one popped into my head so i had to write it down :)

here we go...

Comment and vote please!!!! :)


"Number 465, are you listening?" my teacher, Mrs Parkison called out.  I look up from my desk and try to remember where i am.  Oh right! it's history class, i must have dozed off.

"Yes" i mumble sleepily.  

"Good, because you are needed in the main office." She says and then goes back to her lesson about who knows what, go ask someone who was actually paying attention.

I get my stuff since there was only 5 minutes left of class and head out the door, the whole class started oooh-ing and saying "you're in trouble" but I just ignored them and continued out the door.  I quickly head to the main office wondering what this is about.  It can't be about my grades since I always do well, even if i don't pay attention.  I also behave well when i'm here, so what's this about?

When i reach the office i realize Mrs Topoxi, the orphanage's director, is waiting for me with a blonde haired girl that looks about my age.  "Good you are here" Mrs Topoxi greets me.  "Number 465, I present to you Number 582." then she turns to the girl and says "582, this is Number 465.  She is your new roomate and will show you around".  With that said, Mrs Topoxi leaves and i'm left alone with Number 582.

"So..." i whisper, unsure of what to say "what's your story?"  Number 582 looks down quickly, but i'm able to see tears forming in her bright blue eyes.  I'm about to apologize when she starts talking.  She tells me that her name is Isabelle and that she is 16 years old.  She talks for a long time, telling me about her happy life living with her parents and how they loved her very much.  But then last Saturday everything changed "when my parents and i were coming back from the movie theater and a drunk driver crashes into us.  They died 5 minutes later." she finishes, now full-out crying.  I go sit next to her and awkwardly pat her back, hoping she'll stop crying soon.  I never know what to do when someone cries.  As I pat her back i remember my story...

My name is Gabriela.  At least that's what it says on my birth certificate, no one has called me that for about 10 years.  Now i'm simply known as number 465.  I was born in a small town in Texas.  I loved it there, everyone was so friendly.  One day, when i was six, i went to my friend Emily's house and my parents and my older brother (who was 8 at the time) stayed home.  That night, at sundown, I was walking back home (Emily's mom having dropped me off a block away) when i saw a huge fire.  The neighbour had called the fire department, and they were extinguishing the fire and trying to get my family out while i was just standing there crying my eyes out and screaming for my mom.  The firefighters were unsuccessful.  I later found out the fire had started when my mom was cooking dinner and my brother (who was playing in the backyard) started crying.  My mom had rushed out to see what was wrong, leaving the stove on.  Ever since then i have been living in this orphanage, where they gave me a number instead of my name.  The number is given by order of arrival and it is a way to remember us, since there are so many people and some of us have the same first name.

At first i thought i was going to quickly get adopted, but it never happened.  I think i might have scared potential parents away with my striking grey eyes and love for martial arts.  But totally not the fact that i was way too smart for my age and was able to move things with my mind.  Yeah that's definitely not it.  As the years passed my hope of being adopted diminished, until when i turned 11 and all hope was gone.  Now i just pass my time here waiting until i'm old enough to get out.

The sound of the bell ringing brings me back to the present day.  That bell signified the end of school, so I lead Isabelle out of the office and show her around the shaby orphanage.

You see, the orphanage is quite big and is divided into two sections, each being in a different building.  The school section is the closest one to the main entrance, since it contains the main office.  That section contains the cafeteria, where we eat all our meals, and the classrooms were all our classes are held.  Just like a normal school.  After that there is a big grassed area which includes a small playground for the little kids to play in in their free time.  Then come the living quarters, which includes the game room and all of the dormitories.


When the tour is over Gabriela leads me to the second floor of the living quarters and stops in front of a grey door that has a sign that reads:

Numbers 465 and 582

Man the directors here are quick, they already added me.  "This is our room" Gabriela says opening the door.  The room is smaller than the one i had back home and contains two beds with a metal headboard, a nightstand between the two beds, and a wooden desk beside the door.  It feels like a prison since there is no window and almost no color.  The only color in the room comes from what is obviously Gabriela's side, that has a Taylor Swift poster and 2 photos from when she was little taped to the wall beside her bed.

I aproach the paper-covered desk and Gabriela quickly gets the papers and hides them behind her back, as if hoping i won't see what's on them.  "What are those?" I ask.  "Oh nothing" she says quickly "Just some old homework papers."  Yeah right.  I'm pretty sure she lied, but it's probably not my business.  Either way, i'll try and find out what's on them.

In the meantime I approach my side of the room and start unpacking my stuff, trying to add a homlier feel to this boring, plain room.

"I wouldn't put that up" Gabriela, i mean Number 465 (I better get used to calling people by their numbers if i'm going to be living here) warns.

"Why not?" I ask as i'm changing the bedsheets from the scratchy faded white to my pale blue ones.

"The directors of this place hate anything that is not conformity. They only allow a few personal possesions like 2 outfits other than the assigned uniform and a few pictures. Everything else is taken away." She explains while helping me hide my possesions so that they won't be confiscated.


So what do you think?  What do you think is on those papers?

remember to comment and vote!!!! :)

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