"Omg did you see the new Dolan twins video! It's so funny!" your best friend Jaelene said as you both were walking to class.
"No." All you could say.
"Oh right. You don't like them I forgot. Ooof how sad." Jaelene said with a change of tone.
It's not like you didn't like the Dolan Twins, well except one of them. Ethan Dolan. You never knew why you hated him so much, it's just you did. On the other hand you didn't mind Grayson, which considering they're twins. But something didn't click right when you saw Ethan.
"I told you I don't like Ethan, that's all."
"You should be glad your my best friend and not some stranger because right now I wanna strangle you."
You sighed, "well nice to know that my best friend would kill me."
"I honestly think deep down you like Ethan and would die just to marry him." Jaelene smirked.
"Haha. Very funny. I would never." You crossed yours arms.
"Oh really. You probably have a fan account just for him."
"No I don't! Just stop Jaelene, I'm never going to like Ethan. He may be good looking but he's not funny."
"If you don't like him so much then why did you just say he's good looking?"
"Ugh. Jaelene seriously just stop. I don't care about Ethan. He's dumb and not funny."
"You're dumb and not funny." Jaelene clapped back at you, leaving you in shock.
"How dare you insult your beat friend over some Youtubers that don't even know you."
"Well that's what you get for insulting Ethan. He's a really sweet person and IS funny. You're just mad."
You rather not continue arguing with her, so you just left with your simple answer, "whatever."
"You know, I bet if you randomly were to bump into Ethan you'd fall in love instantly with him. Who knows, you might be his type."
You ignored your best friend and walked towards class, annoyed at the pointless conversation that had just happened.
You never really thought what would happen if you were to bump into any of the twins to begin with. The only thing you knew was that it wouldn't happen in the first place and even if it did happen, you would just ignore him.
"What a drag."
{A/N: sorry for not updating but I had so much school work and finals, so I was stressing out. Maybe I'll update tomorrow if I have time. Thank you for the votes and reads! I appreciate it."}