How To Win At Job Interviews

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Employment Tips

How To Win At Job Interviews

By:Stu Pearson

Most applicants fail because they lack confidence in themselves. A job interview should never be treated or compared to an interrogation. This wrong notion of what an interview should be actually adds to the fear mounting inside. This fear usually hinders you from effectively expressing yourself during interviews and worst, too much fear may cause some applicants to blank out during the interview.

A good way to prepare for a job interview is to research the company; practice answering the most commonly asked interview questions, and then gather information about the employer. This will not only provide helpful information for the interview but will also boost confidence knowing that you are well prepared to answer any questions during your job interview.

Aside from conducting researches and familiarizing yourself with various questions for the job interview there are still some things you need to know in order to ensure that you get the job you want.

Present the best and most sellable side of your personality

This can be achieved only if you to possess confidence in yourself. It is important that you trust your own abilities and believe that you have the qualifications required for the job that you are applying for. Self-confidence will help you feel at ease during your job interview.

Learn the different types of questions in order to sell yourself effectively

A job interview is all about questions. There are various types of questions used, for instance, questions that probe, questions that put you on the spot and questions that you may find hard to answer. It is important that you know how to easily recognize questions so that you will be prepared on how to effectively answer those questions.

Prepare question topics in advance

Nothing beats preparedness especially referring to job interviews. Since a job interview is all about questions, prepare in advance and practice answering some of the commonly asked questions your potential employer may ask. Practice makes perfect, and doing this will help get you accustomed to the questions thus boosting your confidence during your actual job interview.

Improve your personal grooming

Image and appearance is really important especially during actual job interviews. Your image and appearance tells so much about the type of person you are. Likewise, it is important to choose properly the clothes that you are to wear during your job interview since your clothes reflect just how much you value yourself.

Give a polished interview performance

Try to remember interview dos and don'ts to avoid mistakes and help swing the interview in your favor.

Carefully assess the job offer

It is also important for you to carefully assess the job offer. Determine whether the job is really the type you want and never be afraid to ask questions. Since it is only through asking that you will be able to know how solid the job offer really is.

Communicate and build rapport with the interviewer

You can achieve this by being an active interviewee, meaning be enthusiastic in answering questions. Show them that you are really interested in getting the job. Develop rapport with the interviewer this will help in ridding you of some of your fears, and will provide you with more confidence.

Employment Tips

The Different Types Of Job Interviews

By:Kryssa Lighthall

Job interviews are all about finding the right fit between the employer and potential employee.

Job hunters going on interviews can expect one of two primary styles of interviewing. The following interview styles were tecniques used by Hiring Managers, hiring for Houston Jobs:

Screening Interview

Screening Interview: A member of the human resources department usually conducts the screening interview, which is meant to weed out unqualified candidates. Providing facts about your skills is more important than establishing rapport. Interviewers will work from an outline of points they want to cover, looking for inconsistencies in your resume and challenging your qualifications. Provide answers to their questions, and never volunteer any additional information. That information could work against you.

One-On-One Interview

In a one-on-one interview, it has been established that you have the skills and education necessary for the position. The interviewer wants to see if you will fit in with the company, and how your skills will complement the rest of the department. Your goal in a one-on-one interview is to establish rapport with the interviewer and show him or her that your qualifications will benefit the company.

Stress Interview

Stress interviews usually are a deliberate attempt to see how you handle yourself. The interviewer may be sarcastic or argumentative, or may keep you waiting. Expect this to happen and, when it does, don't take it personally. Calmly answer each question as it comes. Ask for clarification if you need it and never rush into an answer. The interviewer also may lapse into silence at some point during the questioning. Recognize this as an attempt to unnerve you. Sit silently until the interviewer resumes the questions. If a minute goes by, ask if he or she needs clarification of your last comments.

Lunch Interview

The same rules apply in lunch interviews as in those held at the office. The setting may be more casual, but remember it is a business lunch and you are being watched carefully. Use the lunch interview to develop common ground with your interviewer. Follow his or her lead in both selection of food and in etiquette.

Committee Interview

Committee interviews are a common practice. You will face several members of the company who have a say in whether you are hired. When answering questions from several people, speak directly to the person asking the question when responding. It is not necessary to answer to the group. In some committee interviews, you may be asked to demonstrate your problem-solving skills. The committee will outline a situation and ask you to formulate a plan that deals with the problem. You don't have to come up with the ultimate solution. The interviewers are looking for how you apply your knowledge and skills to a real-life situation.

Group Interview

A group interview is usually designed to uncover the leadership potential of prospective managers and employees who will be dealing with the public. The front-runner candidates are gathered together in an informal, discussion-type interview. A subject is introduced and the interviewer will start off the discussion. The goal of the group interview is to see how you interact with others and how you use your knowledge and reasoning powers to win others over. If you do well in the group interview, you can expect to be asked back for a more extensive interview.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2008 ⏰

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