💗❤️How you first met❤️💗

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-Rouxls Kaard🧩

You got caught by the guards within the Castle of darkness your Hp were close to zero.. You're weak and vulnerable you had no items to use to heal yourself how pathetic to loose or have nearly died.. You wanted to escape and leave.. But how so foolish you are that you thought you could on your own.. You felt yourself getting dragged towards the dungeon you tried to escape shaking from their grasp yet it wasn't effective.. you wanted to give up.. You waster on time on hoping on one day you'll finally escape from this unknown world.. Be with your family and friends.. no.. You realized.. why would you want to go back? If they hurt you.. If they didn't care that you're missing? What's the point? You sighed deeply giving up completely to them.. "Hold it!!" You heard someone shout from behind you slowly turn to face who it was.. It was the Tall man the one who had White hair like silk and skin like purple ink.. "Let her go, I'll deal with her myselfth!" He said as the guards looked up at him, you were confused why is he helping you all of a sudden? "Sure thing Roulx Kaard, be careful around her she's feisty.." one of them warned him as the Roulx nodded he picked you up as they let go of you leaving you alone with him, he looks down at you as he smiled "Come! Leths go I'll taketh care of you! Dear (Y/n)!" He said in a cheery tone from the weak voice you tried to speak up to him "Why... are... you helping... me?" You asked as he hummed softly "A Girl like you deservedth to be treateth well! Besideth thoughth beat me fromth my greathest puzzles!" He said trying to sound dashing but you leg out a weak chuckle..

-King Spade👑♠️

You couldn't remember anything your vision was so blurry you laid on the patch of grass as your body was numb you couldn't barely move.. The lasting you remember that you fell from this unknown world and had wondered or ran around for who knows how long.. You wish to leave this place but you're too weak you became dizzy as you couldn't hold on to yourself much longer as you passed out in the middle of nowhere.. You then awoke from the voices you hear muttering something you couldn't hear as your ears were somewhat ringing for some reasons, you quietly groan as you were trying to get up your voice you've let out suddenly cause your surroundings to go silent. Confused as you are you felt were you are.. soft.. warm.. you're on a bed? You blinked a couple of times as your vision cleared up, in front of you were a group of monster like knights? You looked at them panicked letting out a "Wh-Wh-Whaaa!?" You were so confused the rest were also a bit shocked as they began silently talking to one another again.. They stopped suddenly when they heard the door knob turn as the door swung open widely as a tall slender person with white silk hair and his skin looked so inky in a color of dark purple, what caught your eye was a figure behind him he was much bugger than the other man "Step aside..." you heard his deep and raspy voice ordering him "Yes thous King..!" The man moved aside showing a bigger person behind he had this some kind of mask shaped spade same goes for his stomach which is blue.. he wore a pitch black cape and some blue boots and Let's bot forget about that pearly white crown of his.. You were astounded from the sight you were afraid what's going to happen to you..! Is he going to imprison you for eternity? Punish you?
Kill you?! "You.. Girl.." He spoke deeply which caught your attention to him you looked at him as you noticed him walking up to you slowly your heart quickened out of fear as you began to tremble.. He was close to you know out of your comfort zone you felt like tears were going to burst at any moment he then spoke up breaking the silence "State your name girl.." you were silent but replied abruptly stuttering as you could contain in your own fear towards him "(Y-Y/n)! (Y/n) (L-L/n)! Please don't kill me or th-throw me in the dungeon! I b-beg of you!" You pleaded you were worried that he may kill you on the spot..! You didn't realize as you were crying a bit.. he looked at you darkly nothing but a cold expression plastered on his own face seeing you cry in front of him "(Y/n)..." He said as you looked up at him as you saw his scary look... Everyone watched them unsure what would he do! What he's going to say! "From now on...You'll be my own personal servant..!-" "Oh please!! No not-! Wh-What...?" As you were going to plead on dear life you reheard what he said "You heard me..! From now on (Y/n) you'll be my personal servant! For the rest of your life! Roulx.." The King looked at Roulx who looked shocked and surprised what the King said to the girl, he glared at him slightly seeing him unfocused "ROULX!!!" He shouted in his deep and mad tone which made him snap back to reality "Y-Y-Yes! M-My king?" He said sounding alarmed as he faced him "You take care of (Y/n).. And make sure she knows her place as my servant, you guide her for now.. she'll be working HARD first thing in the morning.." he said as he leave your side you looked at him in disbelief and afraid watching him walk out the room he ordered everyone else to leave except Roulx.. "Well Ith never expect heth the King maketh you his Servanth!" He said as he looked at you seeing your scared and confused expression on what the hell is going on.. "(Y/n) isnth not?" He spoke calmly getting your attention "You hadth something to say?" He asked her you nodded slightly you're still not completely sure if you could trust him though but.. who's there to trust? "Who... Who's he?" You asked in a slight shaky tone "Heth? Heth the King! King Spades..! Now heth may be scary.. but I assure youth be fine!" He reassured her as you looked at Roulx.. you nodded slightly.. You're not sure if you're ready for this.. You still scared what he'll do to you.. We'll just see..


You were ordered to clean every floor of the castle by Roulx Kaard it was trouble some since it was your punishment for ruining the kitchen which you were trying to help cook for the King.. You made sure that each room is clean and spotless so that Roulx wouldn't find any missed spots, as you finished you headed over to the elevator you looked over at the buttons and saw { ????? } you've wondered a lot where that floor will take you.. You didn't much bother checking it out at first since oddly why would be all '?????' for some reasons? And now you will since you HAVE to clean each and every floor of the castle.. You pressed the button as the elevator descended downwards it took about a minute to get to the floor you've chosen, the elevator doors slides wide open as an odd and uncomfortable aura loomed before you which send chills down to your spines.. It made you uncomfortable but you shook it off anyway since you wanted to get things done right away and leave immediately! You took a step out of the elevator as you began walking leading you down to the dark stairs it was oddly chilling and creepy along the way as you kept the courage head on, while walking down you heard a fake cry and a weird laughter echoing the halls "Boo Hoo! Uee Hee Hee! Oh woe is me-ee!" It was quite unsettling.. Ahead of you found a large cell inside was pitch black you looked around inside as you spoke "Hello?" you said trying to act all brave.. You noticed a figure flying a bright glowing smile and bright golden orbs reflects the flames from the prison room the figure loomed over to the bars which you were able to see the person clearly, some kind of a Demon like Jester he had such menacing smile that sent you shivers his eyes were pitch black yet his Golden pupils shown brightly staring at your soul.. "Come, Come! Who do I see see? A girl who appeared before me me?" He asked with a sneer chuckle you said nothing but approached him hesitantly "Oh oh! Why are you so silent silent? Aren't I being polite to you and not disobedient disobedient?" You took a look at him examining he seemed okay but many questions filled your head why would there be a cell here and why isn't he in the rest? You replied to his reply with a small shake of your head "I'm sorry being rude.." you apologized to him he gave out a cheerful smile like he had never heard you for ages "No no need to apologize sweet dear girl dear! You don't need to be in such fear fear!" He reassured you with a gentle and odd tone of his you sighed deeply "Might I ask... who're you..?" your tone was soft yet nervous still the Jester grinned widely from your question "My name is Jevil! What is yours yours?" He asked as he tilted his head waiting for your reply you looked down for a but before looking up to him "(Y/n)... (Y/n) (L/n)" you said Jevil floated slightly as he reached his hand out to your through the bars "Well (Y/n)! May I ask you you, will you be my friend friend?" His expression looked excited from he waited you to reply as you were surprised you thought it through.. should you befriend a prisoner whom you just met? You weren't sure if you could trust him.. will you offer his friendship? "...Sure" you replied as you shook his hand gently "Wonderful Wonderful!" After that short conversation you've succeeded your task and had finished cleaning every single floor, you gathered every cleaning items with you putting them in the bucket before walking towards the stairs you heard his voice echoed the walls as you walked away "Farewell dear (Y/n) we'll meet another day day"

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