Chapter 2: Friends-

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Shoutout: @DontYouWantToKnow I can't even begin to thank you for everything.

Friends are always there for you no matter how you meet them or what you say to them.

I am blessed enough to have many kind and loving friends! You bond over your similarities and learn from your differences.

They help you from the rough and tough and savour the memories that you make.

One memory I have made with one of my closest friends is running around the corridors of the school and avoiding teachers! We always talk and share nearly everything. 

They are different types of friends- the ones who use you, the ones who are always there, the ones who annoy you.

I know as a fact I always annoy my friends, but I ask them this question when they say "You're so annoying!!!" I say "Life without me would be so boring!" and I know that it would be boring without me! I think I brighten up there days each time they see me.

To me, there are at least three types of friends: the ones who abuse you, the ones who use you and the ones who amuse you! I believe I am the amuser to a certain extent

"Money and success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there." ~Will Smith

" ~Will Smith

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