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After we went downstairs to get breakfast, I took my pills. I felt like someone was watching us.

''Get dressed, wear sumn semi-formal'' Kai said, as he fix his hair in the mirror.

''Where we going?'' I questioned, tilting my head to the right.

''Can't let you leave Korea, without enjoying the place, now can I?'' He replied, walking over to me grabbing my waist

''I guess, if there's gonna be food yes.'' I replied smiling.

''Don't worry only the best for my wifey'' He said, ''I'll have you stuffed'' He smirked.

''Wifey?'' I questioned, raising my brow.

''And what about it?'' He said, ''I been told you I'm gonna marry you why your surprised'' He shrugged, pushing his face into my neck with his hands holding my waist.

''Ugh you're so clingy'' I groaned.

''Cuz I love you'' He mumbled into my neck.

I rolled my eyes, ''I Know'' I said patting his head, ''I love you too.''

''Hey Kai.'' I asked


''What happened to Ms Kayle'' I asked.

Ms Kayle is his mother, I don't remember a lot, but I remember her she's such a sweet woman, she was like my second mom. She always gives me food, and sweets. She'd make me stay over her house until my brother comes home from school.

He stiffened and pulled back and rubbed the back of his neck.

''She's dead'' He said, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and his light.

I froze in my stance.

''You know you need to stop smoking'' I mumbled, ''How did she die?'' I asked, taking the cancer stick from him.

He exhaled, and looked up, then looked at me. ''Murder''

I gasp, and bit my lower lip, who would want to kill Ms Kayle, she was literally the sweetest person alive.

''My father'' He said, when he took me away, he killed my mother'' He clenched his fist and his jaw. ''I'll kill him if it's the last thing I'll do''

''I wanna help'' I muttered, wrapping my arms around him.

''No Desiree, I can't involve you in this, you've already finish stag 1'' He mumbled.

''I remember'' I muttered, ''I killed them, I sprayed a hose of kerosene around the house I- I tied them to their beds, one of them your siste- ''

''Half-sister'' He interrupted.

''She was awake, she was crying she begged me to not do it, but I wasn't there, Desiree was gone, I then sprayed the kerosene on their beds. I lit the match and watched them burn. Two died in their sleep, the girl she screamed until I didn't hear her voice anymore, then I- I left'' I finished.

He kissed my head, and hugged me tighter, ''they deserved it Kkoch don't blame yourself they had it coming, she was the one who actually killed my mother, but I blame my father too because he let it happen. He held you over me Desiree he threatened me using you he wanted to hurt you  I had to obey him, meanwhile I was working on my plan to kill them all, you did good okay, I love you gimme a kiss'' He finished.

I leaned in and connect our lips, he took control pulling me on top of him, his lips mashed against mine. I hungrily pushed back, he pinched my nipple through my shirt, as I gasp, he slides his tongue inside my mouth, he sucked on my tongue, our tongue danced and curled together. My fingers grip his hair, pulling him closer. He groaned lowly in mouth, I began grinding on his crotch, as it began growing beneath thighs.

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