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I clenched my fist tightly, I decided to toy with him.

''Oh, hello there'' I said, ''This is the females bathroom you know'' I said, reapplying my lip-gloss, slightly bending over as I looked closer at my lips in the mirror, I arched my back a little just to put on a little show for him.

'' Oh, I thought this was the males, but it appears I found something better in here.'' He said, grinning while looking at my ass.

He stretched his hands out and fondled my ass, I smirked at him, and turned around. I palmed his crotch and leaned to his ears. '' You wanna fuck me don't you, well you don't have to share we're alone in here''

He nodded and reached for my thigh, running his hand along my leg until he reach the edge of my panty. I almost gagged at disgust at his shrivelled ass wrinkled hand on my legs. I pulled out my small pocketknife and slash his throat not too deep to kill him but just to hurt him and a some drop of blood can show.

''You think it's attractive to fetishize black woman Mr. Lee'' I smirked, as I grabbed his old balls squeezing. He gripped his throat and begin shaking.

''I-I-I'm so-rry'' He stuttered, ''I'll never do it again''

I applied more pressure on his balls, watching him as he get red, I tilted my head while looking him in the eye as I squeeze tighter.

''Enough Desiree as much as I'd love to watch you squeeze his balls to death, don't kill him, he's an important piece on the chess board'' Kaito said.

I let go and kicked him in his stomach one last time. Kaito gripped his neck and threw him against the wall, watching him squirm under Kaito gaze, I felt my pussy getting wet.

''You heard the woman'' He said, ''Did your forget what I said back there Lee'' He said.

''N..no'' He grunted, ''I apologize sorry, sorry''.

Kaito let go of him and he scrambled out. ''Can I suck your dick right now?'' I asked.

''As much as I would love to, we gotta go back before my dad arrives'' He said

I pouted and wrapped my arms around his waist.

''Come on Desi, I promise you can suck my dick when we go home'' Kaito said, with his hands under my arms he lifted me up, placing me on my feet. ''Gimme a kiss''

I leaned in and kissed him. We left the bathroom and back to the ball room.

''Who's this woman Kaito?'' His father asked.

''My fiancé'' He replied, bluntly.

His father sneered at me with disgust, ''you must be kidding, we'll talk about this at home, no need to cause a scene''. He walked away without another word, with a fake smile on.

His father went on the stage, everyone began walking towards the table and sat down, Kaito and I sat at the back.

''Thank you all for coming, as you know it's a very unfortunate time for my family and I, having lost my wife and children'' His father began.

I blocked him out, and unzip Kaito's pants I began running my hand up and down his soft dick, feeling it growing in my hand. I looked at him from the corner of eye, He bit down on his bottom lip. I began teasing him, I increase the speed pumping his now erect dick in my hand. I squeezed his dick tighter and pumped up and down I rubbed his tip with my thumb I knew his sensitive spot, I drop my handkerchief on the floor, and bend down, I swallowed his dick sucking on his tip harshly, I deepthroat him, feeling him exploded at the back of my throat. I sat up with my mouth full and swallowed.

''Good girl'' He muttered, wiping the side of my mouth.

''Excuse me, bathroom'' I said. I got up and went to the bathroom, to rinse my mouth out, I took out a spare toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste from my back and did my thing. I returned back to Kaito and sat down. He kissed me on the neck gently.

''You'll have to return to the hotel alone today okay, I have to talk with my father.''  Kaito said.

''Okay'' I mumbled.

After the event finishes, Kaito called a driver to drop me at the hotel, On the way to the hotel, the driver kept looking at me, I began fidgeting. I checked my phone sending Kaito a SOS. The car came to a stop, the door opened, and someone dragged me out by my hair. They just had to drag the hair. ''Not the hair'' I groaned.

''Shut the fuck up'' the masked man said, punching me in the nose. I grimaced and grabbed for my pocketknife stabbing him in the leg, I took off running to god know where.

I felt my body connected with something, I saw headlights, then I dropped to the ground.

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