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Once upon a time there was a king, who in the middle of winter watched the snow fall.  Suddenly
he saw a rose bloom, he reached out to pick it up, but he stung a finger and three drops of
blood fell to the ground.  Red appeared vivid on white, and he thought that if he had
had a daughter with snow-white skin, pitch-black hair, lips
red as blood, and all the strength of that rose, he would call it Snow White.
A short time later, a fire broke out in his kingdom, and all was lost, there were
rubble everywhere, only the red rose remained intact between them.  Since then his
the greatest desire became immortality to succeed in possessing all the kingdoms of
terra.pensò said: “if one day I had a daughter like this rose, only she can defeat
the darkness ".  One day in winter, the king wandering through the woods saw a small lake in which
the water was very hot.  Marvelous, he decided to undress and enter the warm waters of the
the needle.  As soon as he immersed himself completely, a voice said: "Now I will be your servant, what is
mine is yours, and what is yours is mine ... I can fulfill your deepest desires, but remember
that to everything there is a final price. "The king gladly returned home with a medallion around his neck
full of water from the lake, with that he could stay young forever.
Years passed and a young woman fell madly in love with the king, and with the
hope that one day he could change for the better, he agreed to marry him.  There were gods
wonderful wedding, with banquets, parties and ceremonies.  They were happy years, until after a
years the queen became pregnant.  Unfortunately she died during childbirth, but gave birth
a beautiful girl with the strength of a rose. The king was very angry when he saw her
because he believed that all the bad things that had happened to him had happened by fault
of the pink one in the snow.  The king detested Snow White, because as he grew older
it was always more beautiful.  One day a very beautiful woman with a pure soul arrived at court,
but he did not return the love of the king.  She was called Grimilda.  The king dedicated himself to
courting Grimilda instead of looking after the people who meanwhile died of hunger.
Defeated, because the girl didn't love him, she was furious with Snow White and locked her up
secret, then went to the specter of the lake and asked for a magic potion to give to Grimilda.
The specter replied: "I need the heart of the most beautiful girl in the realm."  The king did not understand a
whoever referred, then asked: "Ghost, ghost of my desires who is the most beautiful of the
realm? "Then the ghost replied:" There is a girl with light skin like snow, i
pitch black hair, lips as red as blood, and with the strength of a rose.  You are
located at the palace, it's called Snow White ”.  The enraged king returned to the palace.  He looked for Snow White
everywhere, but no trace of her;  he took his medallion, rubbed it and said, "Ghost,
let me see where Snow White is.  He saw her together with
Grimilda running towards the dark forest.  Angry he ordered his most faithful servant of
find him a hunter capable of crossing the dark forest, of killing Snow White and
bring him his heart, in return he would give him much money.  His servant then left for the
village, he met a somewhat run-down hunter and made him the king's proposal.  The hunter
Eric accepted, so he set out on a journey. Meanwhile Snow White and Grimilda were still running in the woods.  For
Snow White, Grimilda was like a mother, and she trusted her blindly.  They ran
so much so that they did not notice that the trees seemed fairy and procured a
bad smell that made them faint.  After a while they woke up thanks to the hunter,
that in the meantime had tied them.  The hunter asked, "Who are you?  Why does the king want you? "Snow White replied:" I am the one who will save good from evil and who are you?  ".  The
hunter was very skeptical about it, but decided to trust that beautiful girl,
freed them and together they tried to get out of the dark forest to go to the country where
they wanted to join an army to defeat the king.  On their journey they came across one
band of giants, who kidnapped them and took them to their home.  When the giants entered,
as if by magic they became dwarfs, they seemed very dangerous, in fact for many days
Eric, Snow White and Grimilda had to be his servants.  The more days passed and more Eric yes
fell in love with Snow White.  When the dwarves discovered that that beautiful girl in
actually it was Snow White, to get gold from the king, they decided to go to him and bring it to him
Snow-white.  When the dwarves left home, the three managed to escape and yes
found themselves in the woods where they saw a lake with hot water and to warm up a
bit they decided to go inside.  When they entered and reflected in the waters they heard
a voice: "Finally, I know you Snow White".  She replied: "Who are you?" And the specter
he said: "I am the one who made all the tragedies happen!  Dive into the water and see what
I am able to do ”.  The three immersed themselves in the lake and saw the whole past: the death of
Snow White's mother, the fire, the sacrilege.  When they re-emerged, in Snow White, a
Grimilda and Eric dropped a tear, the three drops before falling to the ground were transformed
in three drops of blood that colored the ground.  A dragon appeared from those three drops
that spit rose petals and from the tail came thorns.  The ghost said, "this dragon
represents your souls together: the dragon is strength, the petals of roses are purity, and
thorns are power!  Only you three together can defeat evil ”.  After a while the
dragon disappeared and in his place a bracelet was created.  Snow White wore it and went on
I walk.  When they reached the town the people gathered in the square, Snow White came down from the horse
and said, "I am your queen, help me defeat the king!"  Everyone prepared for the
great battle, but Snow White was standing apart, then Grimilda said: "what is there
What's wrong? "and Snow White replied:" I don't know if I'll be a good queen "and she comforted her:"
You will be, everyone loves you, remember that you have the power of a rose inside you ”.
Meanwhile the dwarves arrived in the presence of the king and warned him of Snow White.  The happy king yes
immediately set in motion, when they arrived at the home of the dwarves and there was no one, the king did
he was so angry that his scream made the earth tremble.  He went to the specter of the lake, yes
immersed and said: "make me become more powerful, I want her dead" the ghost replied "You know
that in the end everything will have a price? "Then the king shouted:" I don't care "The specter
he satisfied and gave him an apple, a red apple and said: "A bite is enough, a small one
bite and die. "
The people of Snow White went to the place of battle and were attacked by dwarf giants
and from the king's guards.  While they were busy the king took advantage of it to kill
Snow White, but just when he was about to kill her, the dragon flew over him and filled him
of thorns.  Snow White prevailed and riding the dragon made her entrance to the palace
royal while the dragon sprinkled the country with petals.  There was a big party, but while
everyone danced and enjoyed themselves, an old man arrived, all run down with an apple in it
hand, he approached Snow White and said: "I brought this apple, for the most beautiful girl
of the realm, just a bite and it will make me happy ".  Snow White, with a good heart, took a bite
and fell to the ground;  everyone became alarmed, the kingdom fell into darkness.  The hunter approached
Snow White and gave her a tender kiss, but she didn't wake up.  While the king is happy
he was approaching the throne, Grimilda approached Snow White and gave her a kiss on the
front. Snow White rose into the air and a light came out of her bracelet and struck the king's medallion.  The king was sprinkled with light and soon he was gone
nothing.  Only the love of a "mother" can save a daughter.
This is the story of a girl born from the strength of a rose to defeat evil.  And the
story of a "mother" who will always love her daughter.  It is the story in which: the dwarfs came
shut up in the dungeons, Eric and Snow White ruled the kingdom with so much love, the people
he had become rich, Grimilda became the mother of Snow White, and the specter, well, the specter
he already knew how it would all end, after all he had always said that in the end everything was
it had its price.  And within the walls of that building, not far from us, in ours
fantasy is still today a rose in the snow.


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