Present Mic x sound sensitive reader (part 1)

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You'd just gotten out of a short meeting with the Principal and headed down to the teachers lounge when the bell rang and a sea of students began pouring out of every door in the hall. Not even a days worth of work had gone by and you find your over-sensitive ears ringing. You pull out the ear plugs and muffs you keep stored in your messanger bag and put them in, trying your best not to get elbowed or stomped by any hungry students.

The reason you were at the academy was to prep for temporarily replacing one of the staff members while they attended undisclosed important buisness. All you knew is what material you would be teaching and what times- so far you hadn't even met staff besides Toshinori Yagi, the other person in your meeting with the Principal. Due to your quirk they had decided it was best to explain to you all mights disposition, rather then you accidentally hearing it. Which was funny considering you'd accidentally found out years ago- you chuckle recalling the shocked face of Toshinori. You had to explain to him that while you didn't connect Toshi to All Might, you were in fact aware that All Might had a different form. While it wasn't exactly what you expected the two hour meeting was definetly intresting and helpful.

When you finally make it to the lounge you're a bit overwhelmed, before opening the door you can hear one of the other people discussed earlier, Present Mic- aka the worst person for someone with your problem to be around. He had been extreemly busy with his music career and radio show for anyone to get ahold of him to tell him about you to make matters worse.

Shota Aizawa was the only one to pass you a glance at first when you entered. Yamada Hizashi was currently excitedly yelling in Shota's face about something that happened on his show the other night from what you could understand. Only about three other staff members were in the room and they sadly didn't last long with the commotion, you figured they probably couldn't even hear themselves. About three minuets after the others scattered Shota finally seemed to get tired of the antics from his friend.

"You know there's other people in here besides you, right Hizashi?" he felt like his ears were going to fall off at this point, first the students screaming about something on the news during class, and now this. He had been trying to keep Hizashi's attention away from you since he knew about your problem and didn't want you sent to the hospital before you even properly started your substitution job. "Don't you think shouting like that is a bit rude?" 

Yamada went stiff as the color drained from his face- had he really been that loud? Who was here right now again? He slowly began to scan the room, noticing that it was completely empty except- 

"WAIT A SECOND WHO THE HECK ARE YOU???" Hizashi quickly covered his mouth, but the shouting still got to your ears a little harsher then you'd like. You wince and decide that now is the best time to introduce yourself and- attempt to explain your hearing problems to avoid future problems.

"They're a substitute teacher that's supposed to start working here in a week or so-"

"WHA- how come no one told me about this!!" Hizashi ran his hands through his hair in exasperation, looking back and fourth between you and Shota frantically. The other teacher simply huffed and rolled his eyes at the blonde. 

"If you hadn't over booked your schedule for the past week and a half someone would've found the time to tell you" You make your way over to where the pair is sitting and greet them.

"Yes they told me you didn't know yet! I apologize for my abrupt appearence-" Shota cut you off before you could finish.

"Don't be sorry for anything, it's this idiots fault for biting off more then he could chew." You could see the shock in Present Mic's face as he choked on words- trying to argue against him but not being able to.

"Ah- well my name is (full name), glad to finally meet you both. Uhm- if there's anything you need from me or would like to know, please dont hesitate to ask me!" Aizawa gave you a slight nod before standing up from his spot.

"Sure, if you excuse me I'm going to go take a nap before i need to grade papers" and with that he left, but not before giving Mic a glare, as if to tell him to behave. You felt your anxiety spike ever so slightly at being left alone with your own personal kryptonite. You turn your attention back to Hizashi, who's finally seemed to regain his ability to speak. You extend your hand and give a faint smile.

"Yamada Hizashi, right? Now that it's just the two of us, feel free to ask whatever you'd like- I'm sorry again that you weren't in the loop about my arrival." The blonde finally gains his compsure and tries to act cool before reaching out and shaking your hand. You jump slightly as a little bit of static shocks you from touching his hand. Hizashi gives you an awkward smile before letting go and starting his little interrigation.

"So, well first off I'm curious about the head phones, you listening to music?" He leans ever so slightly towards you and the anxiety spikes again- your face starts to get warm.

"Oh- well you see it's because of my quirk- i guess to balance me out?" you chuckle nervously before continuing to explain. "My quirk is 'Volume adjust' it allows me to increase or decrease the volume of anything i can hear, changing how loud it is to the enviornment and others. i can also adjust the volume of something before it makes noise simply by touching it- the only problem is my body automatically makes things louder in my own ears, so drowning out the noise i hear is something i have to focous on to do- and, well, im not the best at multi tasking." You can see the excitement even through Hizashi's glasses and know from what happened earlier he was going to quirk. The first note of his energized yell made it through before you got your hand around his arm, but as soon you wraped around you muted his voice out of panic. Your eyes were watering from just that little bit- you didn't want to get balsted point blank by anymore of it.

When mic realized he nearly blasted you and that his voice was M.I.A. he freaked out the tiniest bit, making you release your hold on him as he flushed red. 

"AH- ooh- oh sorry about that- dang that was freaky- your quirk is totally rad though! Think about how loud i could get with someone's quirk helping me out like that! i wouldn't even need a radio station yo- i could just tell all of Japan right there." He smiled and gave you finger guns in your direction. Despite being worried he'd accidentally turn your brain to mush, you couldn't help but find the blonde man charming.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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