Part 1

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Hermione narrowed her eyes as she looked over to the Slytherin table. Her normal day would go a bit like this : Wake up,
Take shower,
Attempt to brush hair,
Give up,
Get dressed,
Check Idiot 1 and Idiot 2's homework,
Leave Common Room,
Get insulted by Malfoy/ tripped up,
Eat Breakfast.

It hasn't been like that since fourth year. It seemed like something happened happened last year, behind the tragedy of Cedric's death and Voldermort's return. Cause Malfoy looked terrible.

On the Hogwarts Express A Year Ago

Hermione sat peacefully flicking the pages of her book, while Harry and Ron were bickering about the best Quiddich player. Her eyes were hungrily absorbing the words, concentrating more and more as the arguing got louder and louder, until-


The sound of a heavy book hitting the floor made both boys jump, nervously turning around to face the bushy haired girl. It wasn't a pretty sight. Hermione gritted her teeth, her eyes staring menacingly at Harry, then at Ron.

She reminded Harry of the penetrating gaze of the Basilisk he fought in second year. If looks kill, he would be dead. She let out a frustrated sigh, before dusting off her book and continuing her studying. The boys discussed the topic now in hushed whispers, before the conversation got dull, and they drifted off.

The room was deathly silent, except for the frequent turning of pages and Ron's soft snores. The small room slightly vibrated as it quickly raced along, almost lulling Hermione to sleep herself. She felt her vision becoming fuzzy and was battling to keep her eyes from drooping. She won, and sat more upright, watching as the landscape quickly changed to a more rural area. She sighed once more. It was good to be back. Although something told her this year she  wasn't going to get as much studying done. But who got much done being Ron and Harry's friend? She looked at their sleeping forms fondly as she fell into a daydream for the rest of the daydream.

End of Flashback

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