The Boss' Confession

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*(Haman's Scandals)*


*The Boss' Confession*


*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*


(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞) Also note that this story is posted for Free by Author George Haman.


“You are more than an employee to me Haman.” She replied caressing my chest gently.

Just then I heard someone groaning in the next room and I lost control. Things went down so fast, I rode my boss like a horse on a race. She could not help it but scream my name but I quickly covered her mouth so that Daisy could not hear her.

Kate was really good when it came to romance; she got me to a paradise point. After hours of the ‘business meeting’, we both were exhausted and decided to take a nap.
I woke up some minutes to five o’clock in the evening; I had to go and pick up the Audi since Kate would be riding in it to church the following day.

“Ma’am, wake up.” I said to Kate shaking her so as to wake up.

“What is it Haman?” She asked; her eyes still closed.

“We have to get going or else tomorrow you will have to walk to church.” I said.

She woke up, we got dressed and we were both ready to leave. I opened the door for her and she walked out first; before we got to the lobby, I recalled that I had left the car keys in the room.

“Kate, I forgot the car keys; I will be right behind you.” I said to her as I turned back to go and pick the car keys.

I was the one carrying her bag so I went back with it to the room. When I got to where the car keys were, I placed the bag on the table and decided to check if we had forgotten anything else inside the room.

While bending to check under the bed, I accidentally knocked off Kate’s bag and it fell; her staffs fell out of the bag. I started collecting them, putting them back to the bag one by one; just then I saw something that caught my attention.

Kate had a pregnancy test kit inside her bag and it seemed to have been used. I quickly put it back and grabbed the car keys then I rushed out of the room so as not to get her suspicious. I had barely locked the room when Daisy and Austin walked out of the next room.

“Haman? What are you doing here?” Daisy asked shocked.

"I came to pick up my boss, she asked me to get her bag." I replied then began walking away.

I could see fear in Austin's eyes but I did not want any dramas unfolding since I did not want Kate knowing that I had plans with Daisy. Daisy was shocked why I did not show concern even after seeing her walk out of a hotel room with another man.

"Is he not the guy supposed to meet up with you today?" I heard Austin ask.

"Shut up Austin, I hate you." Daisy replied then slapped him and began walking hurriedly towards me.

"Haman, please wait, I can explain." Daisy begged.

"Not now Daisy, Kate is at the lobby waiting for me." I replied then walked away.

LES SCANDALES DE HAMAN (Season Two)Where stories live. Discover now