Part of making dreams come true

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Have any of you had a dream and went for it and some people told you that you would not get it and then you got what you wanted and then you were happy and then you are parents tell you to just not go work and that is when you are trying to help.I have had a dearm  before but i can't do it any more becuase of my family and they don't think that this job would be good for me and i was made but after was happy that i did not take that  job any more and my family told me that if i want to get payed good money then I have to find a job that i like and that i will like and will not get out of anf if i love it then stay in it and I would love to become a teather and teach kids and let them know if they want to go and do something then they need to go for it and try and stay postive a about what they want to do and odn't let any one be mean to you because you want to do that and i say go for it and don't let any one be mean to you and do what evert you want to do and don't let them put your dream down and stay postive and i would say go do anything you want to and i say to teen out there to go do what you what for work and don't get bust a around and stay postive about what you want to do and if you think you are not there then wait you will get there soon if it takes you a long time i want all teens out their to read this this will help you out their and i will get you some where and i promsie you this. Stay postive 

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