Meet my friends!

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∆~Hosuh's pov~∆

I had a friend in highschool, and their name was y/n. Me and y/n were pretty close, but they moved after junior year due to an accident. People said they had suffered from memory loss, but they remembered most things over time. And now? Well they asked if they could rent with me, since I had a listing of a bedroom on Facebook.

Look, I'm desperate. I need to pay the bills and the only way was to rent out my spare room, but I just can't believe that it was y/n!
After all these years and I finally get to see them again.
I'm going to introduce them to Dan, Stephen, and Jay!
I bet they would fit right in. Although, it think they might already know Dan, and maybe Stephen.

I hear a knock at the door. It must be them!
"Hey is this-"
They look up from their paper to meet my eyes.

"Hosuh?! Is that you? Oh my goodness it's been so long!"
Their face lights up at the sight of me.

"Can I give you a hug? Or is that too awkward?"
They say, not knowing what to do, since it has been several years.
But I'm fine with it.

"I mean sure why not?"
I say and hold my arms open.
They run into my arms and give me a big bear hug, except for the fact that they are a solid, half foot, shorter than me.

We come apart and they smile.
"Let me show you to your room fellow newcomer"
I say as I jokingly bow and hold the door open. They come inside and I lead them to their room.

"Here it is. I set everything up, since I knew it was you, and because I'm simply a nice person."
I say, showing the room, it had a full sized bed in the middle of the room, along with purple bedsheets, it also had a white desk and matching chair in the left corner of the room. The walls were painted white and the floor was a grey carpet.

They look at the room in awe
"Oh my goodness this is so nice! I expected to be sleeping on the blankets I brought until I could afford a bed, BUT THIS?!"
They throw their bags on the floor and jump onto the bed and curl up into the blankets.

"Oh, I'm going to get some brunch with my friends in an hour, wanna come?"
I add.
They nod and I close their door, walking to my living room.

I turn on the TV and wait until my "15 till" alarm goes off.

I decide to watch some My Hero Academia to pass the time.

Once my alarm goes off, I go to check on y/n. I knock on the door hearing a "come in," so I open it. Y/n is still covered in the sheets, but they are wearing something different, I'm guessing they got ready then took a nap.

"You ready?"
I ask, getting a nod in response. I always liked them because of their attitude, it wasn't too exaggerating, but it wasn't too soft.
But I only like them as a friend of course, and nothing more.
I don't think I could ever like them as something more.

I go to my room and change into something more fitting for the weather outside.
I also comb out my hair and tie it into a low ponytail.

"Come on y/n! It's time to go!"
They come down from the stairs wearing a grey hoodie and some black tights. Their (y/c) hair was a little messy but they didn't seem to really care.
It looked good on them anyway.

We walk down to the cafe since it was just down the block, yes we would be a little late, but gas is expensive out here and I'm trying to save some money here, like come on.

As we open the door to our destination a bell rings, signalling that we arrived .
I see Dan and Stephen sitting at the booth, so I lead y/n towards it.

"Oh hey guys! This is-"
I'm cut off by Stephen who immediately blurts out,
"Oh wow! Hosuh got a (y/i)friend~"
  I laugh it off, even though I'm pretty embarrassed, mainly because we are just friends and I don't need these guys getting the wrong idea.

"Haha no we're just old friends"
They say with a warm smile.

"Wow I like your voice!"
Daniel states, quite awkwardly.

∆~Daniel's Pov~∆

Me, being an audio editor, admire people's voices.
Like, I like everyone's voice, except Stephen's, that annoying motherfudger.

It didn't hit me that what I had said was a weird compliment until I thought it through.
Oh shit.

"Eheh that sounded weird out loud, you see I like edit audio and-"

"He was giving you a compliment, but he makes everything more awkward than it is."
Stephen says and pats me on the shoulder.
He then reaches out his hand,
"I'm Stephen by the way!"

The person shakes his hand and smiles.

"I'm Daniel"
I say with a cheeky wave.

"I'm y/n, didn't we hang out once or twice in high school?"
They ask.

That's when I realize, it's y/n.
(No shit Sherlock)
We didn't hang out once or twice, we hung out almost every day. At least I did. I was always left behind because I was the third wheel of a friend, but y/n was always there to keep me company.
Those were the good days.
But, that's over now, and we can start over.
(Wheeze I'm cringing wtf)

"Yeah, we did!"
I say agreeing with her statement.

"Oh yeah! I remember you! Do you remember me?"
Stephen asks

They tilt their head like a confused puppy, after staring for a while they shake their head.
"Sorry I don't seem to remember you, I had memory loss and regained most of it, but I can't seem to recall ever seeing you"
They shrug and give a sad smile.

I wonder what happened to them.
It's not really any of my business, but Hosuh probably knows since he was the closest to them.

∆~Y/n's pov~∆

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see a male with dirty blond hair, and heterochromic eyes.

Why hello there. It is I, the author, um... Idk why I wrote this, but I did. Hope you liked it...??? Okay well bai lmao.

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