Never Underestimate Shoelaces

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I was going to do it. I was going to win this race!

In the background I could hear the support of my friends. Words like, "Come on August! You can win this!" and "Beat those bitches!" were thrown at me. They weren't very helpful, more distracting really, but at least they were trying to be nice.

"Oh my gosh you so have this in the bag Aug-!"

Those words were cut short though.

"HOLY MACARONI!" I screamed as I tripped over what was probably my shoe lace ... or maybe an innocent rock? Oh who cared, tripping was tripping and I, August Johnson, had just tripped. There was a mixture of reactions from the crowd.

Some gasped. Some laughed. Some just gawked.

Everyone just stood there and looked though. No it's okay guys! Don't help the poor girl who just fell over anything! I gritted my teeth, pain was starting to spread through every inch of my body. Oh gosh, I didn't feel so good. Another thing I was feeling was an urge ... an urge to ...

Have a dramatic moment. I mean, this was the perfect time!

"My leg! Oh ... I can't feel my leg!" I moaned, clutching a leg of mine. Someone cried out in shock. Yes, poor me. Someone get a bloody ambulance! I could see the other runners in the race finally catching up to were I had landed on the ground. In the lead of four girls was Tina. Tina was a nice girl, she helped me with algebra.

Looks like Tina wasn't as nice as she appeared! A small snicker came from her as she passed me and crossed the finishing line. Oh, well, good for you Tina! Good. For. You!

I just kept grumbling to myself about Tina (who I thought to be kind! Hmph.) when someone finally gained some sense and ran over to my side. Maybe some heroic handsome bloke if I was lucky!

Oh ...

No wait, it just my mum.

"You okay, darling?" She questioned, kneeling beside me.

"Just dandy mother. Thanks for your concern." Mum rolled her eyes and helped me up, pulling my arm over her shoulder.

Dang it, I could see blood dripping down my knee. I think I had a gash on my cheek as well. Who knows how else I had injured myself. For all I knew my stomach had cut open and my intestines were falling out. Chuckling at the thought, I looked at the spectators ... people were pulling faces at my bloodied site. Hmm.

Mum tsked at me. Hey, it wasn't like I wanted to fall over! I would've happily won this race thank you very much.

"Be brave, August. Be brave." A bloke named ... Dave (I think?) patted my shoulder as mum and I passed him. He gave me a look that expressed 'be brave soldier'. Okay, thanks Dave for your support.

Maybe now would be a good time to stop carrying on about my poor self. Yes, moving on!


Now I was in a hospital.


They were always jolly good fun!

At least I think I was in a hospital. Well, judging by all the whiteness and the flashing lights, I think I was in one! Something was moving beneath me, maybe a hospital bed? Had I just had surgery? Wait ... had my intestines really fallen out? Was it even possible to survive if your intestines had fallen out? WAS IT POSSIBLE THAT YOUR INTESTINES COULD FALL OUT?!

Oh my word, why was I suddenly feeling sleepy?


hey hey people of wattpaddy i am here writing you a story. exciting i know. umm, i had a wattpad account, like, two years ago but i deleted it even though my stories were goin' pree good but idek so yeah ... i decided to make a new account! obvs my writing has improved (lol maybe) and i tink im kinda funny so yeeyee good times.

i 'member always wanting to be in le watts wards but i was always too scared??? there's low confidence for you. >< okay have a nice weekend. HUGS ALL 'ROUND.

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