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In Rikki's back yard, Mishy'd carried the chest given to her by the young Witch to the smaller patio in the back corner across from the End of the pool where the hot tub was. She hadn't wanted to be too closeta the back door, just in case she was still in the middle of her attempt at a Tarot reading when he and the boys got up. Given that the boys'd been sick with a chest cold and bronchitis so recently, she didn't wanna take the risk of the drummer bringing them outside and them being almost immediately bombarded by Smoke from the Smudge stick.

        Following the written instructions she'd also been given, she started setting up the round dining table that'd been put on this smaller patio. She didn't need the giant one that was under the Ivy-covered pergola and closer to the back door for what she was doing. Even though it was certainly smaller, this table was big enough for her purposes–not to mention Circular and easier to work with.

        Wanting to at least try Honoring the Elements like Siren'd done, the young ginger decided to use the Stones she'd been given to mark the Cardinal Directions. She remembered her saying that green represented Earth, yellow represented Air, red represented Fire, and blue represented Water. To that End, she decided on Malachite to the North, Golden Quartz to the East, Red Tiger's-Eye to the South, and Larimar to the West. Mishy couldn't say why she felt those were the best onesta go with, but at least they represented the Elements and were in the proper places since she didn't have any Candles of the corresponding Colors.

        After that was done, she set up the Sand dish closer to the Northern point than she did the dead Center of the table. Even though these Tarot cards were a bit on the small side, the spread she was about to attempt'd take up quite a bit of room. She didn't want anything that wasn't supposed to be set ablaze, even though it wasn't like she'd burn the house down, if that happened. Her gut feeling was that taking care of these cards was something she had to do, so she didn't wanna accidentally burn them.

        "Please Bless my efforts and Reveal to me what I Wish to See," the young ginger whispered as she lit the piece of charcoal she'd been given.

        She didn't know why she felt the need to say that as she blew on it so it'd flare up and burn down to its gray state, but she did. It was almost instinctive, like it was something she knew to the very marrow of her bones'd to be done, but she couldn't say why. Not letting it bug her and potentially ruin her attempt, she simply shrugged as she grabbed the Smudge stick so she could get it to burning.

        Glad she knew how to use Rob's Zippo without hurting herself, Mishy held the fatter End of the bundled herbsta the open Flame. At first, it almost seemed like it wasn't gonna do anything besides char the outside black, and she almost gave up on it. When she least expected it, though, the herbs flared bright, and pulling the lighter away Revealed that it was certainly ablaze. Even though she didn't move a muscle, that Flame burnt itself out and died away, but to her surprised pleasure, the bundle kept releasing a pleasantly-scented Smoke.

        The young ginger settled the skinny End of it in the Sand so it'd stand up without her having to hold it upright, and she couldn't help a smile. Moving on when she saw that the charcoal was burnt down, she dropped a few pieces of the Dragon's Blood resin on it. This scent wasn't quite as nice as that of the Smudge stick, but she supposed it could grow on her, if she were exposed to it enough. After that came dumping out the other tumbled Stones she'd been given into their own pile in front of the dish.

        "What on Earth made my husband wake up as a baby again, and howddawe get him back to normal?" Mishy asked, finally shuffling the Tarot cards.

        Taking a deep breath as she glanced down at the notebook Siren'd written her instructions in, she started dealing them according to the pattern she'd also drawn. Like the young Witch'd done last week, she laid the first card so that it was vertical, then the second horizontally atop it. After that, the third card was laid at the edge of the table closest to her with enough Space in between it and the first two for the fourth card.

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